
Present Tense Spanish: Complete Verb Rules

Present tense in Spanish is used commonly to talk about things happening currently, actions, routines, and to state universal truths, facts, and hypotheticals. These verb conjugations can happen using 3 different verb endings: -ar, -er, -ir.

Whether you are learning Spanish grammar on your own, or by taking online Spanish courses, there is a lot of practice and memorization required to understand how to use Spanish conjugations of verbs for the present tense correctly.

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Korean Girl Names Cover Photo

200 Popular Korean Girl Names With Meanings

It is a common belief that an excellent Korean girl name brings luck, and an unfit name may bring bad luck. Therefore, Korean parents generally prefer to give their baby girls, names that embody goodwill, prosperousness, and have positive connotations in their meaning and sound.

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How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese: 10 Factors

Depending on what your reasons for learning Japanese are, determining how long it will take to learn Japanese will vary. According to the Foreign Service Institute, a study done by the US department of state, it takes an estimated 88 weeks of learning for native English speakers to fluently be able to speak and understand the Japanese language. Whether it’s for work opportunities, a short trip, or perhaps you’re considering emigration, understanding these factors, as well as the best learning methods for you, will help you create and streamline the most time-efficient learning system. Along with this, knowing how to say some keywords and phrases such as hello in Japanese can go a long way in terms of helping you integrate into the culture and perhaps even help you learn from native speakers.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Spanish Writing | Grammar, Essays, & More

When learning Spanish or any language, you must master how to write as it is one of the components that essentially make up a language. How else are you going to write Spanish e-mails, letters, or cheesy romance novels?

There is a lot to the skill of writing in Spanish— in addition to online writing courses, in this article we have created a step-by-step guide that will help you on your journey to learning to write in Spanish. We explain all the basic concepts that you need to know and give some help on what you can do to improve your writing!

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How to Say Hello in Turkish | Greetings and Goodbyes

When learning the Turkish language or visiting the country, it’s rather important to learn how to say “hello” in Turkish! Not only will greeting Turks in their own language make the interaction start off on a positive note, these greetings have deep meanings such as good wishes, or showing acknowledgment. Being polite and learning how to say thank you in Turkish is also important.

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Is Greek Hard to Learn? Honest Answer with Study Tips

Greek has been spoken in the Balkan peninsula since around the third millennium BC, this makes Greek the world’s oldest living language. As you may know Greek isn’t on the list of easiest languages to learn for English speakers. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, with dedication and daily practice you’ll be able to learn and master the Greek language.

If you’re looking to start learning Greek, and you’re wondering, “Is Greek Hard to Learn?” Fear not, because in this article we’ll look at both, the aspects that make Greek hard, and those that make it easy to learn. So stay tuned to find out all about the Greek language, and how to learn it.

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8 Ways of How to Say Thank You in Swahili

Asante is one of the most common ways to say thank you in Swahili. The language is one of the Bantu family of languages spoken widely in East Africa. Within that region, you will find over 150 million fluent speakers of the language. That said, learning Swahili will come in handy if you are planning to visit DR Congo, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, etc..

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dog in japanese

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio

We all have a favorite animal at one point or the other and dogs are not left out. In fact, dog is known as man’s companion all over the world.  Many native speakers say “inu” (犬) to mean ‘dog’ in Japanese. This word is probably familiar to many Japanese learners since it is often used in Japanese movies, novels, and other media. However, there are several ways to say dog in Japanese depending on the intent of the speaker. You can also familiarize yourself with how to learn Japanese as you progress.

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