
How to Say Good Night in Japanese – Oyasumi (おやすみ) & More

When traveling through Japan it’s important to bear in mind that it is a culture of respect and consideration for the feelings and experiences of others. This has meant that the Japanese language has grown to be quite expressive, offering speakers a diverse vocabulary that is extremely beneficial in casual and formal situations. This includes saying goodnight or good morning in Japanese to your friends, coworkers, or boss. This article will help you understand how to say goodnight and good morning in Japanese using a variety of phrases including the more commonly used, おやすみ (oyasumi), which simply translates to “goodnight”. Having these phrases in your back pocket is sure to build and improve your friendships and make your time in the country smoother.

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How Long Does it Really Take to Learn a Language?

How long does it actually take to learn a language? There are a few things to consider in answering this question. No matter what language you are learning, it will take time to learn it well. However, some languages can take longer to learn than others. At what point would you say that your target language has been learned? This article will discuss the different factors that affect how quickly or slowly it takes to learn a language from the similarity to your native tongue, to goals and methodology.

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8 Spanish Certifications: Which Test is Right for You + Tips

Getting a Spanish certification has a mountain of benefits, for example, it will increase your chances of getting hired, help you study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, or just enable you to better communicate in Spanish if you find yourself moving to said Spanish-speaking country! It is also a good idea since Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
When you figure out how to learn Spanish and get to a certain level of fluency, it is then time to become certified! Below we have listed 8 Spanish certification exams, with details on all you need to know about each test. Struggling to study for the exam? We have also listed some handy tips and tricks to make your studying journey a bit easier.

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How to Say Hello in Indonesian with More Useful Greetings

Learning how to say “Hello” in Indonesian is a good first step in learning the language itself. It is also handy when you find yourself visiting Indonesia, knowing how to greet in their language will make your interactions with locals much more fun and meaningful! Greeting in Indonesian doesn’t have a formal or an informal way, nor are there titles of respect when speaking to different people. It is the same for everyone, regardless of age, gender, etc.

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17 Ways to Say Good Luck in Chinese | Wish Success & Fortune

In Chinese culture, there are many ways to give another person a blessing. Knowing how to say good luck in Mandarin can benefit you in many ways. It is useful when you go to a holiday party, a wedding, or any other event. Also, it is handy when having a conversation in Chinese.
For example, when you ran into a friend, during your small talk, you found out that he or she is starting a new job, you can simply say “加油”(jīayóu), which is a way to say good luck, to sounds supportive, and it is also an excellent ending phrase to the topic.

In this article, we are going to teach you some different ways to give other people blessings. Not only to cheer people up, but also some phrases to use on some major holidays in Chinese culture. If you are interested, don’t forget to check out ‘chinese expressions’, to learn more about basic Chinese expressions!

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Best Way to Learn German: 10 Proven Methods

You must have heard a lot of people say German is hard to learn. Yes, their umlauts and guttural ch can be intimidating, but nothing robs the unknown’s hold over you better than educating yourself. The most effective way to educate yourself is to find the method that works best for you.

Something else that might make you hesitant to take the plunge into German territory is the supposed costs involved. This might have been true a decade ago, but with more and more language learning apps at your disposal, learning a new language can even be free!

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The 12 Zodiac Signs in Spanish with Audio and Useful Phrases

Nowadays, la astrología, or astrology, is becoming a more popular topic to talk about. Learning about the zodiac signs in Spanish will undoubtedly help you learn more Spanish words, and will enable you to have meaningful conversations with your Spanish friends. Keep reading to find more information about what your zodiac signs says about you, including the people around you!

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how long does it take to learn norwegian

How Long Does it Take to Learn Norwegian?

How long does it take to really learn Norwegian? The answer is six months according to FSI. Find out more about why Norwegian is easy and what kind of difficulties you might have when learning Norwegian.

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hello in arabic

20 Ways to Say Hello in Arabic with Answers and Audio

If you have ever been to an Arabic-speaking country or heard someone speaking Arabic you may have realized how phonetic the language sounds, especially ‘hello’ in Arabic. Not only is it nice to hear but also the meanings behind the greetings are quite beautiful. Many Arabic greetings have a much deeper meaning than what the phrases are typically used for, just look at the ways to say good morning in Arabic. Some phrases are influenced by God and religion, some by culture, and some by linguistic features.

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20 Ways to Say “YES” & “NO” in Japanese

Known globally for its culture of deep etiquette and politeness, in Japan it is essential to know how to politely say “No” or sorry in Japanese. The following article will help you understand the nuances of the various ways in which one can say no in Japanese in different settings, including “いいえ-Īe (No) ”, the most common and direct way. This is a crucial skill to learn and understand that the Japanese greatly value manners, respect, and consideration for those around them. We’ll guide you through the ways in which you can say yes in Japanese too!

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Is Spanish Hard to Learn? Why & Why Not…

There is no simple, straightforward answer to this question. Learning Spanish has many challenges and many benefits. In this article, we are going to go over some of the factors that make learning Spanish difficult versus easy, discuss how much effort it will take to learn the language, and explore some top tips that will help you master it. You might discover that you already know a lot of Spanish words. Afterward, you can decide for yourself how difficult it is to learn Spanish.

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Best Way to Learn Polish: Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Learning Polish, like any language, can be rather tough. It is not impossible to become fluent though! With enough effort and patience, you will reach your goals in no time. Of course, there are some tips and tricks available, that can make learning this language a tad bit easier.

This article serves to do just that; to give you a nudge in the right direction on how to learn Polish and describe some tips and tricks that can help you on your learning journey!

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Learn to Write Chinese Characters: Traditional & Simplified

Is learning Chinese characters really that important? The answer is yes. Without knowing Chinese characters, you are not able to read and write in Chinese. Although pinyin is used to demonstrate how a Chinese character is pronounced, it is only used when you type, and it isn’t commonly seen in daily life. Also, names in Chinese are composed of Chinese characters. Thus, even if you are good at listening and speaking, it is still particularly important to recognize Chinese characters.

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20 Useful Tips to Learn Korean Fast

Learning a new language, like Korean can sound like an impossible task. Many people think that to learn a language, you have to move to the country of origin, or spend hours upon hours stuck behind books, studying and memorising new words, and grammar rules. But traveling is expensive, and being stuck behind a book just studying, can be quite boring.

Below is a list of 20 amazing tips to help you learn, and master Korean in no time! Pick and choose between these and see which work best for you.

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