
Thank You in German & How to Respond for the Etiquette

German etiquette outshines the rest of the world, so learning how to say thank you in German is just the tip of the iceberg. An integral tip nonetheless.

Learning how to express gratitude in any foreign language is of the utmost importance. Sure you could probably get away with an English ‘thank you’ but it is more than just a matter of being polite. Being able to say thank you in the language of the country you are visiting shows a sign of respect towards the culture and the people of the country you are visiting.

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80s Slang and Phrases with Meanings and Origin

A decade of too much hairspray, bright colors, funky ‘80s slang and phrases, MTV music videos and the end of the Berlin wall, the ‘80s was quite a historical period. From words such as gnarly, big time and veg out, you have probably heard some of the eccentric 80’s slang in iconic movies such as say anything or The breakfast club. Not all of the ‘80s slang was invented during that period, but some phrases reached their peak in the decade of rock and roll.

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french greetings

French Greetings: 15 Useful Ways to Say Hello

Generally, the word ‘bonjour’ is used to greet people in French but there are various occasions such as formal events, talking to strangers, or different times of day, that would require you to greet using other terms. In this article, we will cover the most common French greetings and other French greeting phrases you can use, how to use them in a sentence, and finally how to say goodbye in French.

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Chinese Words and Phrases You Must Learn

Whether you’re traveling to China, or looking to work there, it is essential that you learn the most used, and most basic Chinese Words. Chinese is one of the oldest living languages, and its beauty is found its words.

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Spanish Slang Words & Phrases: Mexican Slang, Cuban & More

Like all other languages, conversational Spanish taught in classes or textbooks is very different from real-life conversations that you might partake in. This is because native speakers integrate Spanish slang words into their vocabulary. Similar to Spanish nicknames, slang is expressions or abbreviations of words and is avoided in formal writing or situations.

In this article, we will showcase Spanish slang words used universally and in Spanish-speaking countries, so you can improve your conversational Spanish!

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merry christmas in french

15 Ways to Wish Merry Christmas in French

Christmas is just ahead! Ever wonder how to say Merry Christmas in French? Well, this article will introduce many different ways to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for the season! Learn it and say it out loud to your French friends now!

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Merry Christmas in Spanish: Your Holiday Guide

The Christmas season is here again, but have you ever wondered how you would say merry Christmas in Spanish? In Spanish speaking countries, “Feliz Navidad” is a common phrase that means “merry Christmas.” You can’t go wrong with it because you’ll hear it everywhere during this Christmas festive season. Furthermore, the word “Navida” is used to refer to both Christmas itself and the full holiday season between December 24 and January 6. In this article, you will learn about what to do during Christmas, Spanish Christmas traditions, vocabulary, and greetings you can use on this and other festive occasions.

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