30 Cheesy Spanish Pick-up Lines: Step Up Your Spanish Flirting Game

Spanish Pick Up Lines

There’s nothing more romantic than sweeping someone off their feet with some Spanish pick-up lines!

Whether you want to woo your crush or become a fluent Spanish-speaking cassanova, integrating some of these pick-up lines into your conversational Spanish with learning how to say beautiful in Spanish, might be well worth your time to step up your flirting game!

In this article, we will be discussing 30 pick-up lines in Spanish and how you can use them to charm your potential sweetheart!

Source: Giphy

30 Spanish Pick-Up Lines

Here is a list of pick-up lines in Spanish, ranging from those that can win her over, to those that are so cheesy, you might develop dairy intolerance!

Classic Pick-Up Lines

Nothing beats the classics, especially not when it comes to flirty pick-up lines in Spanish!

1. Si el agua fuese belleza, tú serías el océano entero.

“If the water was a beauty, you would be the whole ocean. “

The ocean is a pretty big place, like, it takes up 71% of the entire planet. That’s A LOT of water! By using this phrase, you are telling someone that their beauty is comparable to the amount of water in the ocean. Dang, this person is really beautiful!

2. ¿Te has perdido? Porque el cielo está bien lejos de aquí.

“Are you lost? Because heaven is really far away from here.”

This Spanish pick-up means to say that you are an angel that has wandered off from heaven!

Speaking of angels, a similar pick-up line is Dios debe de estar distraído porque están cayendo ángeles del Cielo which means “God must be distracted, because Angels are falling from Heaven.”

No matter whichever one you choose, being called an angel is just so romantic!

3. Yo no tengo la culpa de que me gustes, es tu culpa por tener todo lo que me encanta.

“It’s not my fault I like you. It’s your fault, for having everything I like.”

You are basically everything the person using this Spanish pick-up line wants in a significant other!

The words encantar and gusta might seem to have the same meaning, but they are used in different contexts. When you like something, you use gusta but if you really love something, you use encantar.

4. ¿Podrías prestarme un diccionario? Es que al verte me he quedado sin palabras

“Could you lend me a dictionary? Since I’ve seen you, I have been out of words.”

In a nutshell, it means “you leave me speechless” since you are so beautiful!

5. No sé si eres sueño o realidad, pero si estoy soñando… no quiero despertar.

“I don’t know if you are a dream or reality, but if I’m dreaming… I don’t want to wake up.”

Dreams are often pleasant as we get to see or live through a situation that we really want, no one wants to wake up from these dreams. In this case, that dream is you! We also dream about someone that we miss a lot, this pick-up line can also be used to tell someone you miss them in Spanish!

Source: Freepik

Cheesy Pick-up Lines

Ah, cheesy pick-up lines. It is very… hit-or-miss, maybe it’s worth learning how to say sorry in Spanish in case the recipient doesn’t like cheesy Spanish pick-up lines!

1. ¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajo?

“What is a star doing so low?“

You are basically a star in this person’s eyes! Calling someone mi estrella (my star) is one of the many Spanish nicknames that you can use to add a little fire to your Spanish pick-up lines!

A similar pick-up line in Spanish is Tú eres la estrella que guía mi corazón which means “You are the star that guides my heart.”

2. Si yo fuera azafata, te llevaría en mi avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.

“If I were a flight attendant, I’d carry you in my airplane, but since I’m not, I’ll carry you in my heart.”

The cheese is strong with this one! This phrase means to say that this person will love or think of you wherever they go!

3. No pierdas el tiempo buscando a tu media naranja, ¡aquí estoy!

“Don’t waste time looking for half orange, I’m here!”

The direct translation from Spanish to English does not make a lot of sense. Basically, media naranja is a Spanish idiom that means “my other half” or “my better half”. So, this phrase means that you don’t have to keep looking for your other half, since this person claims to be just that!

4. No creía en el amor a primera vista hasta que entraste aquí

“I didn’t believe in love at first sight until you walked in.”

Ah, amor a primera vista or “love at first sight”. When you just know you want this person in your life by just looking at them! This phrase means to say that the person never believed in love at first sight, before they saw you that is!

A similar Spanish pick-up line is ¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar? which means “Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to pass by again?”

5. Disculpa, ¿te llamas Google? Es que en ti encuentro todo lo que busco

“Excuse me, is your name Google? You have everything I am looking for.”

Ok, this one wins the “cheesiest Spanish pick-up line” reward. It means you are everything this person ever wanted in a significant other!

Source: GetYarn

Funny Pick-Up Lines

Making someone laugh with funny pick-up lines in Spanish is a surefire way to get them interested!

1. Mami, tú con tantas curvas y yo sin frenos

“Baby, you have so many curves (like a road), and I have no brakes (as in a car).”

Cars with no breaks can’t really be stopped. Meaning this person finds you so beautiful, they can’t keep their hands off you!

2. Si la belleza fuera un crimen, yo te hubiera sentenciado a cadena perpetua.

“If beauty were a crime, I would have sentenced you to life in prison.”

This means that you are just so beautiful it should be against the law!

3. Me acabo de mudar a la ciudad, ¿podrías darme instrucciones sobre cómo llegar hasta tu casa?

“I just moved cities, could I have the way to get to your house?”

A long way of asking someone for their address, so you can visit and get to know them!

4. ¿Te gusta Star Wars? Porque a mí me gusta star contigo.

“Do you like star wars? Because I like to be with you.”

Another Spanish pick-up line that doesn’t really translate well in English. Star in Spanish means “to be with”, so it’s a funny play on words to say that someone wants to be with you!

Additionally, the Spanish star should not be confused with ser or estar, which means “to be” in respectively different ways.

5. Bueno, aquí estoy, ¿cuáles eran tus otros 2 deseos?

“Well, I’m here. What were your other two wishes?”

When making a wish from a genie or something magical, you usually get three wishes. One of those wishes can be about getting the man or woman of your dreams and falling in love. This phrase basically says that they are the person you wished for!

Sir: Giphy

Flirty Pick-Up Lines

It’s time to turn up the heat with some flirty Spanish pick-up lines! To really up the ante, learn how to call someone beautiful in Spanish as well.

1. Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente que debería cobrarte la renta.

“You spend so much time on my mind, I should start charging you rent.”

Basically, this person is always thinking about you!

2. ¿Vas a la luna seguido? Porque voy a amarte todos los días.

“Do you go to the moon often? Because I’m going to love you every day.”

A pick-up line in Spanish that doesn’t translate well. Basically, Voy a amarte means “I’m going to love you” which sounds a lot like voy a Marte which means “I go to Mars”.

3. Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.

“If kissing you was a sin, I would walk through hell.”

A rather edgy Spanish pick-up line. This person would kiss you, no matter the consequence!

A similar line would be Mami, si tú eres el pecado, ¡estoy dispuesto a cumplir mi penitencia! which means “Honey, if you are the sin, I’m willing to serve my penance!”.

4. Te voy a dar un beso, y si no te gusta pues me lo devuelves

“I’m going to give you a kiss, and if you don’t like it you can return it.”

Returning the kiss just means kissing this person back regardless, clever.

5. Ojalá fueras bombero para apagar el fuego de mi deseo.

“If only you were a firefighter to be able to put out the fire of my desire.”

You won’t be able to stop this person from wanting to be with you! Unless you are actually a firefighter, this should not be used on you.

Source: Tenor

Spanish Pick-Up Lines to Win Her Over

It’s time to get more specific with funny pick-up lines for her! If you love someone, you should be able to express it, start by learning how to say ”I love you” in Spanish, it goes along with these pick-up lines!

1. Tu mirada me enloquece, tu aroma me adormece, y cada vez que me acerco, más enamorado estoy, más me enloqueces

“Your look drives me crazy, your scent numbs me, and every time I get closer, the more in love I am, the more you drive me crazy.”

Everything about you just makes this person fall more in love with you!

2. Tu amor me llena de energía, tu mirada de oxígeno, tus besos de ánimo y tu corazón de felicidad.

“Your love fills me with energy, your look with oxygen, your kisses with encouragement, and your heart with happiness.”

Similar to the previous one, this pick-up line means to say that everything about you fills this person with love and happiness!

3. Iba mirándote y me he chocado con la pared, así que ahora tendrás que darme tu número para que arreglemos lo del seguro.

“I was looking at you and I hit the wall, so now you’ll have to give me your number so we can work out the insurance.”

A way to get someone’s phone number, not for insurance purposes, that’s for sure!

4. Eres tan dulce preciosa mía que contigo, cualquiera se vuelve diabético.

“You are so sweet my precious that with you, anyone becomes diabetic.”

You are too sweet to handle, but this person will tolerate it so they can be with you!

A similar phrase is Camina por la sombra, que por el Sol los bombones se derriten which means “Walk in the shade, because sweet candy like you will melt in the sun.”

5. Si la brisa de la mañana fuese parecida a ti, morirme de frío no me importaría

“If the morning breeze was like you, I wouldn’t mind freezing to death.”

A somber pick-up line, no matter what, this person wants to be with you!

Source: Freepik

Spanish Pick-Up Lines to Win Him Over

Now it’s the guy’s turn with some funny Spanish pick-up lines for him!

1. Puede que aún no lo sepas, pero cuando te conocí, me di cuenta de que eras ese algo que llevaba buscando tanto tiempo.

“You may not know it yet, but when I met you, I realized that you were that something I had been looking for so long.”

Similar to love at first sight or finding your other half.

2. Creo que todos los pasos que he seguido estos años y las pistas que me he encontrado me han llevado hacia ti.

“I think that all the steps that I have followed these years and the clues that I have found have led me to you.”

It basically means that this person meeting you was destiny!

3. A tu lado, soy la mujer más feliz del universo.

“By your side, I am the happiest woman in the universe.”

Simply means that this person makes you extremely happy, more than anyone else in the universe.

4. Si pudiese elegir entre la inmortalidad o una hora contigo, escogería una hora a tu lado porque la inmortalidad sin ti no vale nada.

“If I could choose between immortality or an hour with you, I would choose an hour by your side because immortality without you is worth nothing.”

This phrase means to say that this person would rather spend an hour with you than be immortal. Considering immortality is something most people would want, this is quite romantic!

5. No eres el primer chico al que beso, pero espero que seas el último.

“You’re not the first guy I’ve kissed, but I hope you’ll be the last.”

You are the person this casanova wants to spend the rest of their life with!

Source: Freepik

Now, go out there and sweep people off their feet, you casanova, you!

With these Spanish pick-up lines in this guide, you will be sure to win the heart of your sweetheart!

Learning words and phrases in Spanish that you can use in everyday conversation, such as pick-up lines or time in Spanish, will really boost you on your way to becoming a bonafide Spanish speaker!

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