Top 100 Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for Beginners

There are thousands of hundreds Spanish words, but chances are you probably already know some like “hola” or “gracias”. Learning new words in Spanish or any foreign language can seem daunting, however taking a slow, steady and methodical approach can reap huge rewards. The following article will help beginner and intermediate Spanish learners to better navigate the language with ease. From the basics such as pronouns, adjectives and verbs to everyday conversational phrases and sentences as well as examples of how to use them this guide will help all learners gain a well-rounded understanding of the Spanish language.

Basic Spanish Words

  • Hola – Hello
  • Adiós -Goodbye
  • Por favor – Please
  • Gracias – Thank you
  • Lo siento – Sorry
  • – Yes
  • No – No
  • ¿Quién? – Who?
  • ¿Qué? – What?
  • ¿Por qué? – Why?

Basic Spanish Phrases

  • Buenos díasGood morning
  • Buenas tardes –Good afternoon
  • Me llamo – My name is
  • Encantada de conocerte – Pleased to meet you 
  • ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
  • Estoy bien, gracias – I’m well thank you
  • Lo SientoI’m sorry
  • Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you
  • Yo no comprendo -I do not understand
  • ¿Dónde está el baño? – Where is the bathroom? 
Source: Pexels

Basic Spanish Questions

  • ¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?

This could be used when first introducing yourself to someone new.

  • ¿Hablas español? – Do you speak Spanish?

This could be used when meeting someone for the first time.

  • ¿Dónde encuentro eso – Where do I find that?

This could be used in unfamiliar settings.

  • ¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?

This could be used when Meeting people.

  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer? – What do you like to do?

This could be used when getting to know someone.

  • ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? – Do you have any brothers or sisters?

This could be used when getting to know someone.

  • ¿Cuál es tu película favorita? – What’s your favourite film?

This is perfect for use when meeting new people.

  • ¿Me ayudas por favor? – Will you help me please?

This could be used when navigating new spaces or needing help/ a favour.

  • ¿Qué es eso? – What is that?

Use this when trying to understand a new subject matter.

  • ¿Puedo preguntarte algo? – May I ask you something?

A great phrase to be used when you’re about to pose a question.

Basic Spanish Greetings

  • Buenas noches – Good evening
  • ¿Cómo están? — How are you? (Plural)
  • ¿Qué tal?– How’s it going?
  • ¿Qué pasa?– what’s happening?
  • Bienvenidos — Welcome
  • ¡Que gusto de verlo! – What a pleasure to see you
  • ¡Hace tiempo que no te veo! – I haven’t seen you in a long time! 
  • Que tengas un buen día – Have a good day
  • Nos vemos See you
  • CuídeseTake care (formal)
Source: Pexels

Basic Spanish Personal Pronouns

  • Yo – I 

Si yo fuese usted… If I were you…

¡Sí, yo estoy despierto! – Yes, I am awake!

  • – You (singular informal)

 Tu madre te cuenta muchos cuentos.Your mom tells you too many stories.

¿Cuando es tu cita de peluquería? –  When is your hair appointment?

  • Ustedes You (singular formal)

Todos ustedes van a la playa. –  You all go to the beach.

Todos ustedes bailan juntos. –  You all dance together.

  • Él – He

Él se está moviendo. – He is moving.

El va a nadar. – He is going swimming.

  • Ella – She

Ella se irá pronto. – She will be leaving soon.

A ella le encanta viajar- She loves to travel.

  • Nosotros (masculine) – We (used in relation to a group of men)

Nosotros nos iremos pronto. – We will leave soon.

Nosotras nos iremos pronto. – Nosotras nos iremos pronto.

  • Vosotros You (plural informal) (gender neutral pronoun used when addressing the second person in a group of 2 people or more.)

Vosotros alegran mis días. – You make my days happy

Vosotros lo hicieron mejor que el otro grupo. – You did better than the other group.

  • Vosotras You (plural informal) (pronoun used when addressing the second person in a group of 2 people or more, generally used for female groups only)

Vosotras alegran mis días. – You make my days happy

Vosotras lo hicieron mejor que el otro grupo. – You did better than the other group.

  • Ellos (masculine), ellas (feminine) – They

Ellas fueron a bailar juntas. – They (female) went dancing together. 

Ellos fueron a bailar juntos – They (male) went dancing together.

  • Ustedes – You (plural formal)

Ustedes mujeres son hermosas. -You women are beautiful.

Ustedes van al cine.– You all go to the cinema.

Source: Pexels

Basic Spanish Verbs

  • Estar – To be

Tengo que estar ahí. – I have to be there.

  • Ser – To be

Eso tiene que ser correcto. – That has to be right.

  • Tener – To have

Ella tiene que tener eso – She has to have that.

  • Haber – To have (auxiliary verb)

Ya se habrá ido – He will have left already.

  • Hacer – To do or make

No hay nada que hacer. – There is nothing else to do.

  • Ir – To go

Tenemos que ir a la tienda. – We need to go to the shop.

  • Venir – To come

Tienes que venir. – You have to come over.

  • Decir – To say or tell

¿Vas a decir si te gusto o no? – Are you going to say if you enjoyed it or not?

  • Poder – To be able

Me gustaria poder surfear. – I’d like to be able to surf.

  • Dar – To give

La idea es dar amor. – The idea is to give love.

Basic Spanish Nouns

  • Agua – Water

El agua es refrescante. -The water is refreshing.

  • Pan Bread

Estoy deseando pan. – I’m craving bread.

  • Mujer – Woman

La mujer es hermosa. -The woman is beautiful.

  • Hombre – Man

Ese hombre te esta llamando. – That man is calling you.

  • Médico (masculine) / Médica(feminine) – Doctor 

Tengo una cita con el doctor. – I have an appointment with the doctor.

Cama – Bed

Quiero una cama para dormir. – I want a bed to sleep in.

Baño– Bathroom 

¿Donde está el baño? – Which way is the bathroom?

Maestra (feminine) / Maestro (masculine) – Teacher 

Necesito ver a mi maestra – I need to see my teacher

Café- Coffee

Me encanta el café en un dia frio. – I love coffee on a cold day.

Té- Tea

Este té fue elaborado a la perfección – This tea was brewed just right.

Source: Pexels

Basic Spanish Adjectives

  • Bonita – Beautiful/ Pretty

La pintura es muy bonita – The painting is very pretty

  • Deliciosa – Delicious

Esa fue la comida más deliciosa que he tenido – That was the most delicious meal I’ve ever had

  • Feliz – Happy

Te deseo una vida feliz – I wish you a happy life

  • Triste – Sad

Esta música me pone triste – This music makes me sad

  • Pequeño – Small

Este juguete es tan pequeño – This toy is so small

  • Bueno – Good

Este articulo es bueno – This article is good

  • Malo – Bad

El clima es malo hoy – The weather is bad today

  • Viejo – Old

Esa fruta es vieja – That fruit is old

  • Nuevo – New

Esos zapatos son nuevos – Those shoes are new

  • Divertido – Fun

Esa fue una película divertida – That was a fun film

Basic Spanish Time Words

  • Hora – Hour

Nos vemos en dos horas – See you in two hours

  • Minuto – Minute

Dame un minuto, por favor – Please give me a minute. 

  • Segundo – Second

Espérame un segundo – Wait a second 

  • Reloj – Clock

El reloj es rojo – The clock is red 

  • Mañana – Morning

¡Despiesta, son las 9 de la mañana! – Wake up, its 9 in the morning!

  • Mediodía – Midday

Comeremos al mediodía – We’ll eat at midday. 

  • Tarde – Afternoon

¿Que día de la semana, estaras libre en la tarde? – During what day of the week, will you be free in the afternoon?

  • Noche – Night

¿Que haras esta noche? – What will you this night?

  • Medianoche – Midnight 

¿Regresaras antes de las medianoche? – Will you come back before midnight? 

  • ¿Que hora es? – What time is it?

Tengo sueño, ¿qué hora es? – I’m sleepy, what time is it?

  • Son las… – It is…

Son las 2 de la madruga – It’s 2 in the morning. 

Source: Pexels

Basic Spanish People Words

  • Mamá – Mom
  • Papá – Dad
  • Hermano – Brother
  • HermanaSister
  • Abuelo – Grandfather
  • Abuela – Grandmother
  • Tía – Aunt 
  • Tío – Uncle
  • Primo – Cousin (used for males)
  • Prima – Cousin (used for females)

Basic Spanish Gratitude Phrases

  • Gracias – thank you
  • Muchas gracias – thanks a lot/ thank you very much
  • Gracias por tu ayuda– thank you for your help.
  • Muchas gracias por tu ayuda– many thanks for your help.
  • Mil gracias– a thousand thanks
  • Gracias por todo– thanks for everything.
  • Se agradece!- It is appreciated
  • Aprecio la ayuda que me ofreces– I appreciate the help you offer me
  • Te doy las gracias– I give you my thanks
  • Gracias de antemano– thanks in advance.


Ya Estas Listo Para Hablar Español! – You’re Ready to Speak Spanish!

Hopefully, this article will have given you the inspiration to undertake learning the Spanish language and start having conversations in Spanish! It is important to remember that when learning any new skill that practice is just as important as giving yourself ample time to learn and grow. Understand that training your brain to think in a completely different way, to recognize completely new sounds and patterns of thinking will be a journey, but hopefully an exciting, informative and fun one. Work hard but remember to have fun and soon it’ll be as natural as speaking your native language.

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