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2011 - 2016 Universidade Federal Da Paraíba Mediações InterculturaisCertificate Uploaded
2018 - 2019 Education First - Advanced English C1. English liveCertificate Uploaded
spanish teacherCertificate Uploaded
tutor of spanish A2 Certificate Uploaded
tutor of spanish B1Certificate Uploaded
SIELECertificate Uploaded
Charla en el II Encuentro Internacional de Lengua Inglesa y EspañolaCertificate Uploaded
DELE C2Certificate Uploaded
Official DELE examiner certificationCertificate Uploaded
2011 - 2016
Universidade Federal Da ParaíbaMediações InterculturaisCertificate Uploaded
2018 - 2019
Education First - Advanced English C1.English liveCertificate Uploaded
spanish teacherCertificate Uploaded
tutor of spanish A2 Certificate Uploaded
tutor of spanish B1Certificate Uploaded
SIELECertificate Uploaded
Charla en el II Encuentro Internacional de Lengua Inglesa y EspañolaCertificate Uploaded
DELE C2Certificate Uploaded
Official DELE examiner certificationCertificate Uploaded