What does sarcastic mean?

34 Answers

What does sarcastic mean?



Pronounced: /sɑːˈkastɪk/

Form of the word: adjective

Meaning of the word: This means the use of words that would usually mean the opposite. Use sarcasm to convey contempt, or irony generally in a mocking way or to insult someone.


For example: Saying that someone is really smart, when they are actually not, is sarcasm


Just remember that IRONY and SARCASM are somewhat different, and should not be confused with each other.


IRONY – figure of speech that means the opposite of what is said.

Example: When you ask a question to a group of students and they are all very quiet and do not answer, then you would say: “Please do not answer all at once.” (This is irony)


SARCASM – this is a form of irony but usually directed at a person, with a humorous intent or wanting to criticise the person

Example: (a social media post) I see that Amazon is finally selling pens for women. I don’t know what I have been doing all my life, writing with men’s pens. (This is sarcasm)

This is a good and funny example of SARCASM.

25 Sarcastic Memes You Can Use For Clapbacks - SayingImages.com
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Sarcastic: 諷刺的;挖苦的

Sarcastic 為形容詞 (負面語意)

Sarcastic 在口語及寫作上的運用皆時常出現, 跟"Ironic"這個詞極為相近,因此也常被人交替使用.

Sarcastic 例句:

This expression is a bit sarcastic.


Sarcastic 的相關同義詞為 Ironic


A sarcastic sentence is a controversial way to communicate.

Some people say it is slightly rude. Others say it is funny!

Sarcasm is a tone that can convey annoyance or humor. Typically, sarcasm uses the opposite meaning to emphasize a sentence. We would call this a "sarcastic" sentence.

Sarcastic phrases are a manner of speaking that some people use often, while others never use them.

Each person has a different personality, and this shows in the way in which they speak. A negative person may use sarcastic phrases to express their feelings in a less hurtful way. A humorous person may use sarcastic words to emphasize the opposite of an actual situation.

Example of Sarcastic Speech:

Let's say that you are a negative person, and you had a very bad day. A negative person may want to explain details about what a bad day they had. But instead, they make a sarcastic statement: "Well, that was a great day!", along with a roll of their eyes to show that their comment was sarcastic, the opposite of what they really meant. By this comment, with the body language of an eye roll, it is obvious that you really did not have a good day. Someone might say, "You are so sarcastic!"

Let's say you are a humorous person who uses any opportunity to make a joke. You attended a seminar for work, where the main speaker was very dull. Half of your coworkers fell asleep during his speech. It was so boring that even the boss began to draw doodles on the paper in front of him. After the seminar, when your coworkers discuss the speaker, you laugh and say, "Oh, what a gifted speaker! Every person in the conference was on the edge of their seats, waiting to hear his next words!" As all of your coworkers begin to laugh, you know that you successfully uses sarcasm to make a joke. Someone might say, "Wow, you are sarcastic!"

Use sarcastic sentences carefully, so that people do not think you are rude! Use them with a laugh, or with an eye roll.

Body language is very important to help people understand that you are using a sarcastic comment. Remember to chuckle or roll your eyes playfully to emphasize that your sentence is not rude, but sarcastic!


Definition 1



  1. Expressing or marked by sarcasm.

  2. Given to using sarcasm.

  3. Expressing, or expressed by, sarcasm; characterized by, or of the nature of, sarcasm; given to the use of sarcasm; bitterly satirical; scornfully severe; taunting.


Try to sound more innocent than sarcastic.

see above

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Sarcasm is the use of words that signify the exact opposite of what you're trying to say, usually to insult someone, demonstrate irritation, or just be amusing. Sarcasm is used when someone says "they're incredibly on top of things" to describe a group of people who are disorderly.

Comedy at its best.

Sarcasm is a type of irony directed at a person with the intent to condemn. Verbal irony is a figure of speech that expresses the opposite of what is said.

Sarcasm is a humorously ironic or satirical comment. People typically use it to state the polar opposite of what is true in order to make someone appear or feel silly. Let's assume you observe someone straining to open a door and ask, "Do you want help?" If they say, "No thanks," you can proceed.

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Being sarcastic means being ironic but in an almost offensive and humiliating way. One is often sarcastic towards oneself. Usually the purpose of sarcasm is to hurt someone through words, but making it seem like a funny joke.

To be sarcastic is a way to be offensive/to hurt other's feeling through a joke.

Example are:

To say to someone who is always late: "How punctual you are!"

To say to someone who is usually NOT a nice person: "What a beautiful person you are!"

Sarcasm in short

In short, sarcasm seeks to ridicule, humiliate or insult the other through irony.



Sarcastic is an adjective. We use sarcasm to express irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

Sarcasm can be used in a humorous way or a mean way.

Example statement: The Queen of England lives in the UK.

Example response: Wow, you don't say!

Imagine someone tries to make dinner and they burn it. The other person might sa: yum, that looks delicious.



Sarcastic is an adjective word which refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny.

Sarcastic is the caustic use of words, often in a humorous way, to mock someone or something.

Types of sarcasm

To be sarcastic is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor.

Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish.

Different types :

*self-deprecating - where you poke fun at yourself

*deadpan - sarcasm given in serious tone

*brooding - saying the opposite of what you mean in an irritated tone

*juvenile - obnoxious statements that might come across as annoying

How to Pronounce the word sarcastic:

saa + ka + stuhk


1.For example, saying "they're really on top of things" to describe a group of people who are very disorganized is being sarcastic.
When someone says something that is very obvious: really, Sherlock? No! You are clever.

3.When someone does something wrong: Very good; well done!

That's Life!

Sarcasm is everywhere! You can see it in everyday speech, literature, movies, TV shows, work places and in everyday life. Typically, sarcasm is used as a type of comedic relief, but it can also tell you loads about the personality of a character.


Sarcastic is an adjective that is used to describe a statement in order to mock or to convey the opposite of what a person really wants to say.

A person can be called sarcastic when he expresses remarks that would insult someone or show irritation or just to be funny in a humorous way. These remarks may sound amusing to others but annoying to the person criticized.

When using the word "sarcastic" in a sentence:

He makes sarcastic comments about my singing.

I never knew he can be that sarcastic when it comes to work.

Most people would confuse sarcastic with irony because they both express the opposite of what a person wants to say but take note that with irony, it refers to situations that are strange, unusual or funny because things seems to be happening the opposite of what you expected.




It means that you are mocking someone using irony to make them feel annoyed, embarrassed, or angry.

When something bad happens.

That's just what I needed today!

When you expected something to happen, especially after warning someone about it

Well, what a surprise.

When someone does something wrong
Very good; well done!


If a person was being sarcastic it means that they are annoyed and they trying to make you feel what they feel about something.

A person sometimes tries to annoy you by using sarcastic funny comments about something to catch your attention that you are wrong or overdoing something.


adjective: sarcastic

  1. marked by or given to using irony to mock or convey contempt.

    "making sarcastic comments"



Sarcasm is the caustic use of words, often in a humorous way, to mock someone or something. Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although it is not necessarily ironic.

Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you want to say, especially to insult someone or show irritation, or just to be funny. For example, saying "they're really on top of things" to describe a group of very disorganized people is using sarcasm.

so to be sarcastic is to mock someone or something


The meaning of 'Sarcastic'.

'Sarcastic' is an adjective.

When someone is sarcastic, they say one thing but mean the opposite.

For example, a girl has a bad day but she says "What a wonderful day!".

People can be sarcastic to be funny, to point out something obvious, or to be rude.


"Sarcastic" is a negative adjective, describing someone or something because of the use of bad words to instead of good.

Sarcastic, from the noun "Sarcasm".

1. She doesn't like the impolite man, so she gave him a sarcastic tone.

  1. She gave him a sarcastic smile because he is bad.

"Sarcastic" is a negative or bad adjective.


Sarcasm is a noun.

This is a noun to describe a type of humor or comic relief.

Humor is an obvious exaggeration, in fact is it so obvious that you can state the opposite and it will be clear what you mean.

On a very hot day : 'well i'm freezing'

When your Mum is very angry with you 'I think Mum wants to take us out for dinner.'

It's a type of humor or linguistic device used for emphasis. It is hard to convey via message. It needs to be done face to face with an emphasis on the sarcastic tone.


"I would LOVE to try those frog legs. It looks delicious"

Would you really though?

Have you ever noticed someone saying something, but their facial expression seems to show they mean the opposite?

This is called sarcasm.

People usually use it as a form of humour. They say the opposite of what they mean in an exaggerated way. Since it is unexpected, it is funny. It can also be accompanied by eye-rolling and emphasising the word they mean the opposite of. Like in the example, LOVE is emphasised. Frog legs are a delicacy in some countries, but in a lot of Western countries it is not common.

It can also be used to insult someone. Personally, sarcasm is not my favourite form of humour.

"What a great answer; you are SO smart", said the teacher to a student who answered the question incorrectly.

"Your new hairstyle is terrible," laughed the girl as she reassured her friend that she loved her new hairstyle.

This explanation was so complicated, you'll NEVER understand sarcasm.

See what I did there? The explanation was actually simple, and I have no doubt you'll be able to understand sarcasm after reading this explanation.


Sarcasm is the use of words that signify the exact opposite of what you're trying to say, usually to insult someone, demonstrate irritation, or just be hilarious. Saying "they're totally on top of things" to describe a group of people that are unorganized is an example of sarcasm.



It is an adjective and it means 'ironic' or 'satirical'. Sarcasm occurs when we use the words that are the exact opposite of what we try to say in order to mock a person or even to show humor and wit.

Text me to check the meaning of:

Sarcastic tone

Sarcastic smile




英文解釋為in the sense of ironic
A soft answer is always better than a sarcastic one.

近義詞:ironic 反義詞:unsarcastic


sarcastic remarks或是sarcastic comments風涼話;冷言冷語

sarcastic manner 諷刺挖苦的方式


Uh! Really? No!

Sarcasm can be funny or rude!

marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt

  • You are depriving some village of their idiot.

  • Did somebody write “stupid” on my forehead?

  • I’m sorry–did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

  • I’m not insulting you. I’m just describing you.

Try and use sarcasm in your next conversation


Meaning: ironic.

When we are being sarcastic, we use words which mean the opposite of what we want to say, in order to show that we are annoyed at someone, or wish to insult them.


An interesting word borrowed from Greek (sarkázein) meaning "to tear flesh, bite the lip in rage, sneer"


"Darling, there is no need to be so sarcastic- just tell Laura she should

not wear that dress. Don't say she looks like a bunch of flowers."


This word according to Cambridge Dictionary: using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something

UK informal will be 'sarky'

He gave me a sarcastic comment on my work which hurts my feelings.


sarcastic /sɑːˈkæstɪk/

To state things that are opposite of what it means, in order to make a bad joke or to show that a person is annoyed.

Sarcastic is usually followed by a noun.

ie. sarcastic comment/ laugh/ manner etc.


  • After a while, Mike spoke again in a sarcastic tone.

  • It was so surprising when he suddenly looked at me straight in the face with a sarcastic smile.

  • Was he being sarcastic about the way she acted earlier?



[sɑːˈkastɪk] - Adjective

The meaning of Sarcastic

marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

Which word is a synonym for sarcastic?



He makes sarcastic comments because he has to call attention to himself all the time


using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something:




She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.


Someone who is sarcastic says or does the opposite of what they really mean in order to mock or insult someone.


She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.



'What a surprise!' Caroline murmured sarcastically. - Meaning she wasn't surprised at all

Extra info:

Synonyms: ironical, cynical, satirical, cutting More Synonyms of sarcastic


What is sarcastic?

sarcastic (adj) 意思是諷刺, 反諷

"I was just being sarcastic.", Tim said.


What a beautiful drawing! (sarcastic tone)

這圖畫真好看! (語氣諷刺)

sarcastic 多用以形容人的態度,DSE reading 常用詞


To say something that is the opposite of something in a tone or meaning that doesn't mean what it really means.

To comment on a remark

Commenting on a remark in a way that seems is insulting and can bite at the person who said the remark.

Jane understood that Mike was being sarcastic towards her and she walked away.

Being sarcastic

In conclusion, sarcastic is being disapproving or criticizing someone in a witty tone that can come off as funny at times, but not really.

Image result for What does sarcastic mean

Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor.

Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish.

For example, let's say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, "Do you want help?" If they reply by saying, "No thanks.

Image result




Learn to pronounce


adjective: sarcastic

  1. marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.









What is the actual meaning of sarcastic?

Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny. For example, saying "they're really on top of things" to describe a group of people who are very disorganized is using sarcasm.




Refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny.

Examples of SARCASM:


Sarcastic Remark


When something bad happens

That's just what I needed today!


When a husband comes home after a long day at work

I work 40 hours a week for me to be this poor.


When you expected something to happen, especially after warning someone about it

Well, what a surprise.


How to know if someone is sarcastic?

Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish. For example, let's say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, "Do you want help?" If they reply by saying, "No thanks.


Definition of sarcastic

1: having the character of sarcasm sarcastic criticism

2: given the use of sarcasm: CAUSTIC a sarcastic critic

using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something:

Even seemingly highminded action must be probed by this sarcastic mistrust, until true motives are revealed.

Low scores were characterized by apathetic, indifferent, irritable, sarcastic, or denigrating behavior toward the child.


Expand your vocabulary at every chance given! Politics and sarcasm often go hand-in-hand...


To be "sarcastic" refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny.


"They're really on top of things" is being sarcastic in describing how disorganized or unprepared a group of people are.


Many Americans are sarcastic and I am sometimes one of them! Take a class with me and let improve your English skills!

Sarcastic is a person who jokes alot

She asked him what do he get on his test and he said he failed in a sarcastic way.

To laugh while saying something in a way that doesn't make it true


sarcastic (adjective)- using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something


a sarcastic comment/remark

Are you being sarcastic?


Using words that mean the opposite of what you really mean, in order to mock or insult someone.

For example: when someone doesn't cook well and you want to make fun of him/her, you can simply say "wow, you cook soooo well", and then you emphasize the way you say "so"!

If you have ever watched FRIENDS (the show), you might have noticed that Chandler makes use of sarcasm a lot!
