What does "weeb" mean? Is it a bad word?
Weeb, what does it mean to be Weeb?
Weeb is a teasing term used by people to describe a person that is obsessed with Japanese culture.
Let's look deeper into the term Weeb
So-called "Weebs" are obsessed with several aspects of Japanese culture such as anime, manga, and figures.
It is also said that these people that identify as "Weeb" often own items such as a waifu pillow and are obsessed with Japan. These people are called Weebs.
Weeb does not have to be a bad word. Although it was initially meant to be a derogatory term, however, with time people have embraced it as an identity.
Some Examples
In a sentence the word weeb can be used as follows:
I am a weeb. I think it is fine, I like anime.
Final Thoughts
The word weeb must not be used as a bad word to describe someone negatively. Instead it can be used to describe people who are passionate about the Japanese culture its unique features.

This is definition from the SLANG DICTIONARY
Published March 11, 2019
A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they wish they were actually Japanese.
That girl is such a weeb. She only watches anime in Japanese. She even eats sushi everyday, even though it is expensive here in the UK.
Weeb - Japanese fanatic.
According to Dictionary.com, the word weeb, short for weeaboo, refers to a Western person who is obsessed with Japanese culture. A weeb often reads manga (Japanese comics), watches anime on sites like Crunchyroll, or takes an obsessive interest in Japanese food, hentai, or video games. This word is often found on sites like Discord and Reddit.
This subculture can be considered a fetishization of Japanese people. A weeb is a non-Japanese person — often, a white male — who is unhealthily obsessed with Japanese culture. This derogatory slang term and the derisive term is used to point out this strange obsession and has a negative connotation.
Someone can watch anime as a form of entertainment without being a weeaboo. A person can even have a favorite anime or manga webcomic and not be a weeb. The line between fan and obsession is thin and can sometimes display a lack of respect toward the culture they are fascinated with. After the anime boom, many people became fans of anime.
Weeb can also be used as an acronym (WEEB) and an abbreviation for a couple of other things. If you are going to call someone a weeb or tell someone about something that is a weeb, they will likely think that you mean weeaboo.
According to Linguaholic, the term weeb comes from the word weeaboo. However, the word weeaboo actually did not start out being used to describe white people who were fans of Japanese culture. The origin of the word weeaboo comes from the Perry Bible Fellowship’s comic strip to refer to something that is useless or unpleasant.
However, this term quickly replaced another term, “wapanese,” on sites like the website 4Chan. The term wapanese rose to popularity in the early 2000s to refer to a white person who is obsessed with Japanese culture. This term forms a portmanteau of white Japanese or wannabe Japanese.
This term became regulated on a number of forums, so people began using the term weeaboo to replace wapanese to get around 4Chan moderators and censors. Over time, the term weeaboo became shortened to weeb.
The word weeb used to be considered pretty offensive, like the word wapanese. However, over time, the derogatory nature of the word has lightened. These days, people might even refer to themselves as self-proclaimed weebs. Today, it’s about as offensive as an insult, like a nerd or geek.
The term still has negative connotations but is slowly being reclaimed by anime fans and becoming a neutral term. Still, avoid calling someone a weeb unless you are sure they will not take great offense.
A weeb is the highest level of an anime fan and the most dangerous. Unlike an otaku, this person has no boundaries when it comes to anime and lets anime and manga control their lives. Someone who is a weeb could become so obsessed that it takes over their entire lives, becoming lost in this fictional world to escape life’s problems.
Unlike an otaku or a Japanophile, a weeaboo has no self-control and is almost deluded in their level of obsession. Weeaboo crosses the line into unhealthy and could be a sign of deeper mental health problems.
Overall, the word weeb is an abbreviation for weeaboo. A weeaboo is a non-Japanese person who is unhealthily obsessed with Japanese culture. Often, weebs constantly watch anime and read manga and fetishize Japanese culture.
A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they wish they were.
Weeb is a short form of weeaboo, a term first used by users of 4chan to insult obsessive fans of Japanese culture. A nonsense word, weeaboo has been used since the early 2000s,
A weeb is a slang term used to refer to someone who is obsessed with Japanese culture, particularly anime and manga. This term is often used in a derogatory or mocking manner, and is typically used to refer to someone who is excessively obsessed with Japanese culture.
Here are some examples of how "weeb" might be used in a sentence:
"That guy is such a weeb. He has every single anime and manga ever made."
"Why are you dressed up like a weeb? Nobody cares about that stuff."
"Stop being such a weeb and get a life."
In these examples, the speaker is using "weeb" to refer to someone who is excessively obsessed with Japanese culture. In each case, the speaker is using the term in a derogatory or mocking manner, and is indicating that they view the person's obsession with Japanese culture as excessive or unhealthy.
Choose the best option in the following sentences to show understanding of the expression 'weeb':
That guy is such a ____. He has every single anime and manga ever made.
a. nerd
b. geek
c. weeb
Why are you dressed up like a ____? Nobody cares about that stuff.
a. nerd
b. geek
c. weeb
Stop being such a ____ and get a life.
a. nerd
b. geek
c. weeb
In conclusion, a "weeb" is a slang term used to refer to someone who is excessively obsessed with Japanese culture, particularly anime and manga. This term is often used in a derogatory or mocking manner, and is typically used to refer to someone who is excessively obsessed with Japanese culture. "Weeb" can be used in a sentence to refer to someone who is overly obsessed with Japanese culture, and can be a useful way of expressing a negative opinion of someone's obsession with this type of culture.
What does the term weeb mean?
A weeb is a person who is obsessed with Japan, its culture and its people. A weeb may go as far as wanting to be Japanese.
John has visited Japan three times this year, he can't get enough of the culture; he is such a weeb.
Weebs are obsessed with Japanese culture
Published March 11, 2019
A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they wish they were actually Japanese.
As for Google search interest, weeb takes off in 2011 and overtakes weeaboo in 2018. Weeaboo/weeb are used to describe so-called “wannabe Japanese.” On 4chan, the two words are used as insults against Westerners who are obsessed with Japanese culture to an irritating degree.
Typical weeaboo/weeb behavior includes using Japanese words and phrases in everyday speech, declaring Japanese culture to be superior to one’s own, spending large amounts of money on anime and manga, and collecting more unusual Japan-made products like idol figures and body pillows.
Once I go full weeb and start tweeting in Japanese it’s over for yall fuckin normies
— tœfü (@sleepybitchclub) September 12, 2018