What does cringy mean?

21 Answers

'Cringy' is an informal word that's used to say that something is pathetic, cheesy or embarrassing.

Origins of the word

The word 'cringy' is related to the word 'cringe', which means to grimace or feel embarrassment on behalf of someone else (when someone else does something embarrassing, you might cringe because their embarrassing action makes you feel uncomfortable).

So then, 'cringy' is the adjective used to describe the embarrassing action or thing which makes you cringe.

Variations and word building

This word can also be written as 'cringey'.

Being an adjective, we can also write it in its comparative and superlative forms, 'cringier' and 'cringiest'.


  • The park was full of pre-teen girls recording cringy dance videos.

  • Will Dad ever realise just how cringy that cowboy hat is?

  • It was as if he'd collected all the cringiest songs ever written into one playlist.

  • The class party was lame enough, but when the teacher decided to put on karaoke from the 2000's it got even cringier.

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CRINGY - A difficult word to define, but I will try. Let's start with the definition:

Cringy - Adjective - something that makes you feel awkward.

And also...

Awkward - Adjective - something which causes a feeling of unease and makes you feel uncomfortable, maybe even embarrassed.

Embarrassed - Adjective - ashamed of something and worried about what other people will think of you.

Ashamed - Adjective - a feeling that you did something wrong and that you have not reached the standard that people expect.

(I think it is useful to learn words in groups, what do you think?)

Now let's look at a couple of examples (a couple of = 2)

1) "Urgh, he told a bad joke and nobody laughed at all. It was so cringy!"

Simple English - Oh my god, he told a joke and it was not funny at all. It made me feel uncomfortable, I did't know what to do - it was "cringy"

Urgh - expletive - meaning, oh no.

2) "Dude, that Star Wars t-shirt is so cringy, you can't wear that for your date tonight, she will think you're sad!"

Simple English - My friend, that Star Wars t-shirt is not cool at all, in fact, it is uncool. Don't wear it because the girl you are meeting tonight will think you are a loser (sad)

Dude - noun - man/friend (US English, but also sometimes used in British English)

So there you go, that is what "cringy" means. I hope you found my explanation and examples useful, thanks for reading :)


The meaning of the word cringy...

Cringy means something that makes another person feel awkward or uncomfortable, it's something unpleasant that makes you "cringe" just thinking about it.

Her fake laugh was so cringy.

If something is cringy, it will make your spine bend; it will make you shrink, squirm, of embarassment.


The meaning of Cringy / Cringey:

“Cringey” is the preferred spelling with “cringy” being less common. Both are the informal adjective form of the noun “cringe.” Although many spell-checkers do not recognize “cringy,” it has nonetheless worked its way into what is considered acceptable English.

Cringey refers to someone or something that causes you to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed—that makes you cringe

adjective informal

  1. 1.

    causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness.

    "one of his cringey attempts at camaraderie"

  2. 2.

    servile or timid; cringing.

    "he was cringey and smarmy when Carstairs was there and called him all sorts of horrible names when he wasn't"



  1. bend one's head and body in fear or apprehension or a servile manner.




    pull back

    shy (away)





    get cold feet


  1. an act of cringing.

for example:

  1. "he cringed away from the blow"


Cringy is an adjective we use to describe someone OR something that makes you feel uncomfortable or awkward.

Some examples:

-Seeing the girl act was really cringy. (because her acting was bad)

-That man is cringy. (he makes you feel uncomfortable)


This word is an English word. This word came from the word cling.

This clingy word means

to stick or to embrace, to hold to something or someone.

She always clings to her dad's arms.

The monkies cling to the banana plant.


I hope that it is easy for you to know the meaning of clingy


Cringy means something makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Cringy is an adjective that describes uncomfortable situations or conversations.

"Tim, your joke was so lame, it was really quite cringy."

Cringy is a fairly new word in American culture.


That TV show is cringy!

Cringy means..

When something makes you feel uncomfortable because it is against what you see as 'normal' or 'good' emotionally, or physically.

Having pain in my hamstring makes me cringe!
This movie is so cringey they keep singing about their feelings!

Cringy can be used anywhere and everywhere!

That colour makes me cringe! (dislike)
The man always tries to kiss the girl it makes me cringe! (feel uncomfortable)


What is CRINGY?

What is CRINGY? 😬

the feeling of embarrassment or discomfort.


Stop being so cringy!


always cringe when I hear that song.

When to use the word CRINGE or CRINGY?

Whether it's a song you hate or someone mentioning an embarrassing moment from the past, you cringe at things that are unpleasant.

So do you have a CRINGY moment in your life?


Most of the time we get into a situation or we see a situation with this feeling

A feeling of awkwardness in an uneasy situation

awkward moments, embarrassed, weird feeling

Oh! That's so cringy!

A feeling of awkwardness in an uneasy situation


The meaning of the word “cringy”. From the word “cringe”.


The word “cringy” is an adjective and refers to something that is weirdly uncomfortable or awkward. Pronounced “krin djee”.

The word in a sentence: “Cringy behaviour”


The word is commonly spelt “cringey” and “cringy” is used less but both mean have the same meaning.



Cringy is a descriptive adjective which means: to make someone feel uneasy, nervous, awkward, or timid. Cringy was first used in 1986 and added to the dictionary soon after.

Synonyms: draw back, recoil, flinch, wince, cower

Antonyms: Advance, Approach, Go in the direction of, Stand up to

Sentence Examples

The gruesome crime scene photos caused the police to cringe.

The cringy music caused my ears to bleed.

A cringy moment of embarrassment brough shame to the child.


Using cringy in writing can bring stories to life as you add depth to your characters. Cringy is another word to add to your growing vocabulary list.


Cringy is an informal word that is often used by teens and adults.

Let's have a look at the meaning:

Cringy is a adjective. It describes something that has brought someone feelings of awkwardness or embarrassment.


I tripped in front of the whole class today, it was so cringy.


All of us have embarrassing moments. Now you have the perfect word to use!


What does cringy mean?

Cringy is a slang word meaning someone or something that makes you to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed.

Synonyms & Antonyms of cringe

  • blench,

  • flinch,

  • quail,

  • recoil,

  • shrink,

  • squinch,

  • wince.


Causing reaction or feeling embarrassment.

for people to laugh at, or feel contempt for. In this case, the empathy response comes from a place of self-hatred. By laughing, individuals reassure themselves that they would never tolerate themselves behaving in such a manner. Contemptuous cringe reactions, therefore, are a projection of insecurity.

Example: Just the thought of eating broccoli makes me cringy.



adjective INFORMAL

adjective: cringy

  1. causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness.

    "one of his cringey attempts at camaraderie"


    servile or timid; cringing.

    "he was cringey and smarmy when Carstairs was there and called him all sorts of horrible names when he wasn't"




Cringy meaning something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Example of cringy

Lizards make me feel cringy.

It means it makes me feel uncomfortable being around lizards.


What does cringy mean?

adjective INFORMAL

adjective: cringy

  1. 1.

    causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness.

    "one of his cringey attempts at camaraderie"

  2. 2.

    servile or timid; cringing.

    "he was cringey and smarmy when Carstairs was there and called him all sorts of horrible names when he wasn't"


“Cringy” is when something is so unpleasant that it makes you literally cringe.

"Cringe" means to feel disgust or embarrassment and often to show the feeling by a movement of your face or body.

Preferred Spelling

The preferred spelling is “Cringey” with “Cringy” being less common. Both are the informal adjective form of the noun “cringe.”


Person A: I always cringe when I hear that song.

Person B: If only their lyrics weren't so cringey.







  • To cringe is to feel embarrassment or awkwardness.

  • When used as an adjective 'cringy', it describes situations or interactions which cause embarrassment or awkwardness.

  • Cringe can also mean to cower or behave in a subordinate or cowardly way; often, under intimidation, dominance or some sense of threat.

Common Usage


The word 'cringy' is commonly used to express embarrassment for another person, who is experiencing an awkward situation we may or may not necessarily be involved in.

Seeing Richard ask Sarah on a date felt so cringy

I can't watch that movie scene, it is way too cringy

Be proud and never cringe over your writing :)


Use this slang to sound like a native!

Cringy/Cringe (slang)

Cringy/Cringe is an adjective used to describe a situation that causes feelings of awkwardness or embarrassment. It is an informal word (slang) often used by young teenagers.

Other ways to say it: Cringe

"That scene was so cringe!"

(That scene was so awkward/embarrassing)

"I looked at my old photos as it was so cringy."

I looked at my old photos and it was so ugly/embarrassing)
