What is the meaning of ftw?

4 Answers

"FTW" is internet slang for, "For the win!" and is used especially to express approval or support of something. It is often added as enthusiastic emphasis to the end of a comment, message, or post. Sometimes genuine, but often sarcastic.

Example Sentences:
"They're adding a new character to the game?! FTW!"

"What should we have for dinner?"
"Pizza FTW!"

"Just finished my project an hour before the deadline! FTW!"

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for the win

Ftw definition ... FTW is defined as an abbreviation for "for the win," meaning something that you are commenting on is a good thing

for the win

Definition of FTW

slang. for the win —used especially to express approval or support Night out with the girls?

FTW means "for the win," an internet cheer used to express enthusiasm about an achievement.


Definition of FTW


for the win —used especially to express approval or support

Definition of FTW


for the win —used especially to express approval or support

Definition of FTW


for the win —used especially to express approval or support


What does FTW mean?

FTW is an abbreviation of the phrase for the win. For the win is a slang expression that enthusiastically conveys something is excellent or will succeed—it’s awesome, the greatest, the best ever.

What are some other words related to FTW?

epic fail




Where does FTW come from?

For the win is an expression said when somebody is clinching a victory or win. In popular culture, it’s been used in everything from game-winning plays in the show Hollywood Squares to American football.

Like many other abbreviations popular online, FTW takes off in gaming culture, with some anecdotal evidence tracing it to players of such games as the first-person shooter Half-Life in the late 1990s. FTW may have originally referred to weapons or strategies that helped the player succeed—that is, they were used for (achieving) the win.

FTW spread online in the early 2000s. The abbreviation can be found—and explained—on various gaming Usenet groups, including one dedicated to poker and another to the MMORPG World of Warcraft, in the mid-2000s. Around this time, FTW extended as a general expression for anything considered great in some way.

The abbreviation may have been given a boost by another popular internet expression epic fail, a hyperbolic description for a failure, big or small. Win, in contrast to fail, has become synonymous for “excellent.”

How is FTW used in real life?

Online, the abbreviation FTW is often placed at the end of a description of whatever one finds amazing, awesome, or worthwhile (e.g., Cats FTW! or Listening to dubstep while windsurfing with my cats FTW).

How is FTW used in real life?

Online, the abbreviation FTW is often placed at the end of a description of whatever one finds amazing, awesome, or worthwhile (e.g., Cats FTW! or Listening to dubstep while windsurfing with my cats FTW).
