Is "correctiveness" a word that exists in English?

14 Answers

Is "correctiveness" a word that exists in English?

No, "correctiveness" isn't a word that exists in English.

The right word is "correctness"




  1. the quality or state of being free from error; accuracy.

    "there was evidence to support the correctness of the identification"

    • the quality of being right in an opinion or judgment.

      "he is trying to challenge the correctness of his criminal conviction"

    • conformity to accepted social standards.

      "the character was played with stuffy correctness"

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There is the word "correctiveness", which is the noun form of "correct" and means a thing is correct. But it's not commonly used in daily speaking and is more often used in written form.

Some experiments in robotic soccer domain prove the effectiveness and correctiveness of the method.


Yes it’s a word and it means proper or a confirm of acknowledging

a teacher asks a question

When a teacher ask you a question and get it correct and he/she elaborate your answer

Getting/doing something in a proper way


Correctivenes isn’t a word. It is often misspelled in place of “correctness” which means state of being correct and no error as a noun.

Correctiveness isn’t a word.

Correctness is what we need when we work on the collecting information.

I doubt her correctness in giving information.

Use correctness not Correctiveness. It means accuracy, perfection.


By definition:

Correctiveness is an adjective meaning tending to correct or rectify; remedial: corrective exercises.

Or as a noun, being a means of correcting; corrective agent.

Used in a sentence:

His correctiveness in the lessons has assisted my in pronunciation dramatically.

The correct way to correct someone is using correctiveness appropriately when correctly correcting someone.


Answer to your question:

No, correctiveness is not a word that exists in English.

Correctness is.

Political correctiveness (incorrect)

Political correctness (correct)


If you want to say how correct something is, use correctness or accuracy.


c̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ -> correctness

"Correctiveness" isn't a word. Use the word "correctness" instead.

Correctness = accuracy, truth, exactness, actuality, authenticity.


The correctness of this statement is questionable.
What do people mean by political correctness?



Correctiveness is not a word at all.

Except when we use it as in a sentence to show the intelligence like political correctiveness which means trying to sound intelligent.

There is no word by itself

Words like correct and correction are used more often.


Does the word "correctiveness" exist in the English dictionary?

When a person uses the phrase "correctiveness" in a sentence, usually that person is trying to sound intelligent. When in fact, "correctiveness" is not a word at all.

However, if you want to use it in a sentence you could use it like this...

She was not sure of the "correctiveness" of the information.

(NB - This is not a true sentence because the word is not in the English dictionary)

The correct word to use is "correctness" in a sentence.

  • The correctness of this procedure is questionable.

  • I have demonstrated the correctness.

  • Who can dispute the correctness of such an assessment?

Synonyms for "correctness".

  • accuracy

  • precision

  • exactness


Correctiveness isn't correct! It's incorrect.

Correctiveness is not a word

However, correctness is a word.

Correctness is the quality of following accepted social standards, or being free from mistakes.

For example:

Political correctness =

avoiding language that might be offensive to others

After reading the essay, I had to question the correctness of his research.

Just drop the 'ive'

And then correctIVEness will become correct!


Is 'Correctiveness' a word in English?

Answer: No

The correct term is 'correctness'. This is a noun meaning to be free from error; accuracy.

Example sentence: The essay was written with grammatical correctness.

A similar word is 'corrective'. This is an adjective and noun used to express the counteracting effects of something (typically harmful or unwanted); restorative.

Example sentence: The man needed corrective lenses in his glasses to see clearly.


Correctiveness is not a word in English. There is a word called “correctness” though. The definition of correctness is ‘the state of being free of error’ and yes this word means accuracy.

Correctiveness is not a word in English. There is a word called “correctness” though. The definition of correctness is ‘the state of being free of error’ and yes this word means accuracy.


Is CORRECTIVENESS a word in English❓

In a nutshell- NO, it is not.

What is the "correct" word then?

If you want to talk about the accuracy of something, you use CORRECTNESS. For example: "I am not sure about the correctness of your information.


Actually, it does not. However, in English, sometimes we derive some words out of other ones to give the intended meaning.


The word corrective means the thing that corrects or improves the wrong part.

Example Uses

Corrective surgery was successful.
