What does homophobic mean?
If someone is homophobic they show dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior towards homosexuals, or gay people.
The two parts of the word are "homo", meaning "the same", and "phobic" mean, "having an extreme or irrational fear of".
Example Sentences:
"Not allowing gay people in this club is really homophobic!"
"You shouldn't be homophobic, it's wrong."
Homophobic: against the idea of people who are not straight (heterosexual: man & woman in a relationship), as in gay or lesbian or any of the LGBTQ community. The people who are homophobic display negative attitudes and constant dislike for the people who are gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender.
It is when people/a person objects to or discriminates against the gay community.
When society acts or responds negative or judgementally without reason against the right of the gay community.
Everyone has rights
Never discriminate or be judgemental
What's Homophobic?
HOMOPHOBIC is the fear, hatred, discomfort with, or mistrust of people who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual.
Homophobic in a sentence:
Diana's dad is homophobic and doesn't want to meet her gay friends.
Homophobia culturally produced fear of or prejudice against homosexuals that sometimes manifests itself in legal restrictions or, in extreme cases, bullying or even violence against homosexuals (sometimes called “gay bashing”)