Is it develope or develop?

3 Respuestas

Develope or Develop...

British English and American English

The short answer is that both of these words are correct.

Develope is an old British spelling of the word. Develop is a more modern, American way of spelling the word.

You can use both spellings, just like "colour" and "color".

UK and US

UK: We need to develope a new dictionary.

US: We need to develop a new dictionary.

You can use both if...

If you spell color, neighborhood and favorite with a "u", then it's okay to add the "e" at the end of develop - as this is a form of British English. If you spell it without the u, then like me, you speak and have learned American English.

It's up to you to decide which to use :)

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There is no e at the end of develop!


It's develop. A verb, to make or become larger or more advanced, to come into being, to start to exist.


You must develop your answer fully to get the highest marks in the writing test.

Since doing a bungee jump, I have developed a fear of heights.

(developed = past tense form, add 'ed')

Why is it confusing?

The spelling may be confused with the noun 'an envelope', a piece of folded paper that you put a letter in, to post.

However, if you know the verb 'to envelop', meaning to wrap up, to cover, or surround completely. Then it may be easier to remember both the verbs 'to envelop' and 'to develop' do not have an e at the end.


Develop or develope?

Many might be confused about the spelling of develop...

The company is developing a new product.

Some might be confused and think we should add an "e" after develop to make the verb but it is not needed as it should be "develop".
