AmazingTalker teacher reviews shared by 25 online Composition/Arrangement teachers
Average online teaching income: US$11,869/month
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More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
143 Days
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["Amazing Talker", the world's largest language class platform]
 <Reviewer: Kevin Teacher / Teaching Subject: English, Korean, Music Produce> Chapter. 1) Becoming an Amazing Talker (AT) Teacher First, in order for me to become a teacher of Amazing Talker, I had to go through difficult courses.I think it's a natural process because teaching students from various countries around the world requires the qualifications of teachers with strict and proven skills. Usually, there are two cases of contact with AT. In most cases, direct support is provided, and sometimes contacts such as email or scout offers come first from AT. In my case, I have received both cases.
 First of all, in the first step of application, you must carefully write down your profile, specifications, and career. There are also areas where additional proof materials need to be attached. It's to increase reliability. In addition, additional document support is completed, and two to three days later, AT will contact you to schedule documents and interviews. If the right time is set for each other, the preparation period for the interview will be given as short as 1 to 2 days and as long as 3 to 4 days. The interviewer is a real teacher with a high ranking and long experience at AT. For your information, we don't know which language native teacher will be assigned as an interviewer, so basically, we have to prepare in English to some extent. The more languages you use, the more you can teach with students from various countries, the more advantageous it is. The interview process was conducted in a way that a teacher with a lot of experience in AT played the role of a student and an applicant took a pilot class in person. In this process, there was a sharp question from the teacher who played the role of a student, so I had to focus on the pilot class. When the interview and pilot class for about 20 to 30 minutes were over, the AT teacher who participated as the interviewer immediately evaluated it and I was able to know if it was accepted. Chapter. 2) Things to prepare after passing the AT (Amazing Talker) teacher. In a way, this is the real beginning, and there are many things to prepare before opening the class in earnest. As a teacher, you have to prepare a variety of promotional videos, profiles, and writings to appeal to students around the world as attractive and talented as possible. In fact, I was also quite tired and exhausted because there were so many things to prepare in this process. Still, as I prepared one by one, I was able to complete the setting for a successful class. First, you have to produce a short introduction video of yourself. In order to introduce yourself to students around the world with impact and charm in a not-so-long time, it takes a lot of effort to make an introductory video. If the video is too cliche or has no impact, students won't be curious about the teacher. So, you need to focus on your specifications, experience, and things you want to emphasize. It is important to edit and make good videos and comments. And since various students from all over the world will watch it, it's a good idea to create as many versions of the same introduction video as possible and upload them one by one. It's a bit annoying, but it's comfortable once you do it. Second, there is Teacher's Wall, where students can search for teachers and see the list. Since only your photos, brief specs, and careers are briefly exposed here, you should fill in your introduction to the wall with effective introductions and messages so that you can stand out as much as possible within a set number of characters. In fact, all of these things that effectively appeal and promote yourself to students must be strategically well done. It's a competition with many teachers. Above all, in order to compete with numerous competent teachers who have already firmly established themselves in the upper-middle ranks, you need to strategically make your own promotion well. Whether it's a video or a text, you need to pay attention to it one by one. Finally, for new teachers, AT matches students through the AI matching system, which should be able to attract students' learning needs and learning needs with messages already prepared or written down. When students match, they match not only themselves but also with many competitor teachers, so in order to appeal well to students, they must continue the story with friendly and effective messages and approaches. Chapter. 3) After all courses for preparing for AT (Amazing Talker) classes are completed, When the registration of all promotional materials (video, introductory texts, etc.) that took a lot of time and energy, and were somewhat boring, is completed, the class is now ready to begin in earnest. All classes are basically conducted non-face-to-face and are conducted through a video conferencing program called Zoom. Of course, the difficult process awaits from now on. Come to think of it, I don't think there was an easy process one by one. Everything is a competition. Anyway, the first few months may be difficult. Even if AT matches a student with AI, no one can predict whether the student will take his or her class or not. There are many cases where there is no answer. However, if you fill out the existing message form well in advance or explain the student's learning needs and learning curriculum well with natural conversations when matched with the student, it is likely to be connected. In fact, how many students can be attracted will work well if the courses in Chapter. 2) described above are perfectly prepared, and on the contrary, if they are not prepared, they will not work well. Fortunately, I put a lot of effort into attracting students from the beginning thanks to the impact and good introduction videos, profiles, career introduction messages, and other things. One more thing, AT has a mentoring system. There are teams led by teachers who are top rankers in terms of income, experience and skills in AT. The members of the team are also so-called AT teachers. It's to be their mentee. If you become a mentor's mentor, you can receive practical advice and help from experience in all aspects. It's a very reliable system. However, this system is not subject to any mentoring either. From the perspective of the mentee teacher's team or mentee teacher, you must be a teacher who is coveted in terms of profile, career, and skills enough to want to scout as a team member to get permission from the mentor. Because when you enter the team, each team teacher's income and performance are immediately reflected in the team's overall ranking and performance, so not anyone can receive it. Therefore, in order to receive mentoring in the mentor system, you have to go through an interview or interview process with a mentor teacher. Chapter. 4) Regarding the actual class progress of a student after purchasing the class. Anyway, we prepare all the above complicated courses and contact the student with anything in the matching system, and when the student purchases the teacher's class, we adjust the date and time to set the exact class time. From now on, it's a real match. After all, excellent class skills, skills to satisfy students' needs, and everything else depends on what you do, so you must have clear lecture skills, curriculum, and class materials prepared before starting the class. Students never take the teacher's class next time unless they are satisfied with the class. On the contrary, if you feel that the quality and satisfaction of the class were high, you will continue to take the teacher's class, and the probability of becoming a regular student increases that much. The first few months might not go as well as you expected, but if you gain a lot of experience and work hard, You can be upgraded to a popular teacher. Let's wrap up Chapter 5) review. If you have read it carefully from above, you will probably think like this. "Wow, this is a really tough place. "There's nothing easy about each process." Yes, it is. The whole process takes a lot of effort and time. And in order to rise in fierce competition, you need that much strategy, skills, and effort. And you don't have to worry too much because AT's staff answer and help you with the most difficult problems. However, if you intend to compete in becoming a teacher recognized by students around the world, I recommend you to strengthen your determination and determination, challenge, and apply. PS: So far, I wrote down what I felt while working as a teacher for Amazing Talker. Above all, I am grateful that the staff of Amazing Talker helped me a lot. If I want anything from the only Amazing Talker, the commission fee is too expensive. I would appreciate it if Amazing Talker could lower the commission fee a little. Please.
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
I hope all teachers will always teach students with a sincere heart. And they should always do their best, and I hope they will make the best learning plan for all students and teach them.
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New teachers in high demand
More than US$300 in courses sold over 3 days
41 Days
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I am new to this platform and I feel grateful for all the guidance and advice I've received from everyone here. The teaching community in AT is so wonderful, welcoming and helpful. It is always exciting to meet and teach new students and AT is the best place to do it! Thank you AT so much for enabling me to make a living in London teaching students online from all over the world : )
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
Set a reasonable price. Identify and target students who want to learn British accents or conversational English. Improve and update teaching profile. Communicate with team constantly. Response to student matches ASAP.
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415 Days
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100 Days
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Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
74 Days
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相信自己做得到, 並且有團隊在背後支持, 一切都容易許多, 感謝我的導師與學生們, 非常感謝你們的信任、鼓勵還有支持:) 最後也感謝自己有這樣的能力能夠幫助每一位愛唱歌的人們 <3
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
相信及信任每個來到你面前的學生, 我感受到每個學生都是我自己的一個面向, 透過這每一個面向提供相對應的幫助, 一方面幫助到學生, 另一方面也協助了自己, 不但讓自己的收入提升, 也讓自己獲得成長。
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Become an AmazingTalker Teacher
Use your language skills and earn more than 3000$ from the comfort of your home.
Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
161 Days
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非常感謝之外,還有這個平台的機制我覺得非常好,藉此收到很多學生 。希望在將來能把更多專業知識帶給有需要的人。
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
我覺得就是不要破壞平台風氣為主,很多學生和我反應平台老師有很多遲到問題以及放鳥的問題,所以我的建議將會是 準時且不要不負責即可。
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Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
297 Days
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Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
堅持,沉著應戰,相信你相信的東西,信念。 在教學上做每一件事,是想著如何幫助到要幫助的人為首要,那樣學生自然會信任你,和你建立長久的師生關係。
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Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
356 Days
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Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
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Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
11 Days
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Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
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Teachers in high demand
More than US$1,000 in courses sold over 3 days
100 Days
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Thoughts on earning a high-income badge and on teaching
很開心可以來到AT跟大家一起成長! 來這裡一段時間了,第二次拿到徽章! 這段時間在線上課程下了不少功夫,不管是鏡頭、燈光、聲音的設定等 感謝學生們及AT的信任
Advice for teachers who want to reach this income
只要不斷精進自己,提升自我的教學品質。 相信學生都能夠感受到老師在教學上的用心! 從學生的角度出發去思考學生的需求,並不斷精進自我! 共勉之!
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Set your own prices

You can choose your hourly rate. As opposed to other platforms there is no upper limit to what you can charge. Courses are divided into trial lessons and 25 & 50-minute standard lessons


Be your own boss

Choose your own schedule. Set your availability to the times that best suit you with no set minimum. Input your weekly availability and students can choose time slots that work for them.


Work from home flexibility

As long as you have a stable internet connection and a computer with a microphone & webcam you can work from your preferred location anywhere in the world.

We are recruiting more tutors. Interested in joining us?

Here are the traits of our ideal tutors. Does this sound like you?

1. You're fluent in Composition/Arrangement

You have a degree in Composition/Arrangement or a similar degree, or are a native Composition/Arrangement speaker yourself.

2. You have Composition/Arrangement teaching experience

You have experience in 1-on-1 Composition/Arrangement tutoring or related classroom experience.

3. You want to be your own boss

You want to set your own work schedule & be in charge of your earnings.

4. You're passionate about teaching

As a tutor with AmazingTalker, you can work with students of all ages and from all over. Join us and start sharing your knowledge today!

Job vacancies: Composition/Arrangement teachers
There are currently openings for online tutors of 134 languages and other subjects
  • Online Composition/Arrangement Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement as a hobby Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement as a hobby or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement music theory Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement music theory or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Fundamental Composition/Arrangement Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Fundamental Composition/Arrangement or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Intermediate Composition/Arrangement Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Intermediate Composition/Arrangement or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Advanced Composition/Arrangement Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Advanced Composition/Arrangement or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement for kids (3-5) Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement for kids (3-5) or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement for children (6-11) Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement for children (6-11) or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement for adults Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement for adults or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

  • Composition/Arrangement certification Tutors

    Ideal candidates have experience in teaching Composition/Arrangement certification or testing, or relevant experience as a tutor or lecturer.

How do I teach online with AmazingTalker?
Get matched with students by our platform

You will be matched with students based on their needs and your expertise. You'll be able to message them and pitch yourself.

Connect with students before the lesson

Via our messaging system you can ask students about their needs and tell them how you can uniquely help them.

Log on and start teaching

At the time of the lesson, you can log into your 1-on-1 virtual classroom via Zoom.

Students' tutoring requests
Students submit a request outlining their learning goals. From there, the learners get matched with tutors who best fit their needs. See sample requests below.

我是完全沒學過音樂的人 可是我希望知道 怎麼編曲 可以記錄有的時候 跑出來的旋律跟聲音Assisting students reach their study goals by guiding them in their study.Ensure friendly and interactive way of learning that will encourage students to learn with passion.Incorporate challenging instructional strategies.


有五級樂理 會使用iPad version 的GarageBand 希望可以加強編曲 作曲 的純熟度Focusing on individual student's strength and requirements.Scheduling lessons with individual students or small study groups. Tutoring students Composition/Arrangement.Discuss and understand the objectives of the student before having lessons in Composition/Arrangement.


程度在哪,需要多學哪些東西Use diversified tutoring methods to ensure student's engagement.Encouraging the students in their study process. Be able to implement interesting learning strategies.Planning lessons with achievable targets.


有基本編曲概念和經驗,需要精準加強完整度Plan, prepare and deliver lessons on a one-to-one basis.Focusing on individual student's strength and requirements.Encouraging the students in their study process. Be able to implement interesting learning strategies.


Ensure friendly and interactive way of learning that will encourage students to learn with passion.Be able to implement interesting learning strategies.Use diversified tutoring methods to ensure student's engagement.

Support and resources for our tutors
How AmazingTalker supports tutors
Automatic matching with students
AmazingTalker provides an automated matchmaking service that matches students with suitable tutors according to the teacher’s background and the student’s learning needs. When students browse tutors, your tutor profile will also appear in the search results at no cost.
A variety of training resources
As a tutor, you'll receive a full range of video training resources to help familiarize you with how our platform works, how to get the most out of it, and build a student base.
Join a teacher's group or create your own
AmazingTalker is dedicated to fostering a caring and supportive platform for tutors. New tutors can express interest in joining a teacher’s group, and get support in dealing with any obstacles in their path and help in achieving their goals.
AmazingTalker tutor testimonials
Explore the possibilities of teaching
French Tutor
"I'm developing my own business in online teaching!" For Lionel, it’s important to have independence in teaching, design classes the way he wants, and have the flexibility to take on more or fewer classes depending on his schedule.
English Teacher
”What I love about teaching is meeting new, interesting people every day… and helping them as much as I can.” For Alex, AmazingTalker allows him to see the results of his work and teach with greater freedom than other online teaching platforms. “Seeing students so appreciative and grateful of the advice and help you’ve given to them—it’s a fantastic feeling when they achieve the goal they have, and send you a message saying, ‘Hey I passed my IELTS and got the grade I wanted-thank you so much!’”
English teacher and Youtuber
"AT gives me the opportunity to do the things I love and turn it into my career." Ricky was a well-known cram school teacher, but he didn't want his career and personal life being restricted by the cram school schedule. "I think AmazingTalker is a fantastic platform because it lets me do the things I love and turn it into a career."
Q1:What are the requirements to be an online Composition/Arrangement tutor on AmazingTalker? Can it be my part-time job?

If you have Composition/Arrangement teaching experience, we encourage you to apply as a tutor on AmazingTalker. Even if you have a full-time job or other obligations, you can take on lessons and earn additional income according to your schedule and availability.
Q2:Do I need to prepare my own teaching materials?

Yes. At AmazingTalker we believe that tutoring is most effective when it is customized for students' learning goals. Hence, teachers prepare their own teaching materials.
Q3:After becoming a tutor of Composition/Arrangement on AmazingTalker, how do I decide on prices for my lessons?

Our Composition/Arrangement teachers have different approaches to setting their tutoring fees. According to our data, most Composition/Arrangement teachers charge US$15–28 per 50 minute private lesson, and US$6–10 per 25 minute trial lesson. If you're accepted as a tutor at AmazingTalker, we will provide you with additional guidance on how to set your tutoring fees.
Q4:How do I apply for leave? And how is it granted?

Students can generally book lessons up to 24 hours in advance. If you or your student wishes to cancel a scheduled lesson, cancellations need to be made at least 12 hours in advance.
Q5:How does payment work, and how do I receive payment?

All tutors with AmazingTalker are paid on a monthly basis.
Once a lesson is successfully completed, your tutoring fees will be accrued to your income balance. Payments are made on the 2nd of every month, and you have the option of using PayPal, TransferWise or Payoneer to receive payment.
Q6:What costs apply to my tutoring earnings?

A variable fee applies to the hourly rates you set, which helps support the cost of running the platform and attracting new students. Please note that the fee decreases as you earn more. Please refer to our income calculation guidelines for more details.
Q7:What if I have more questions?

Our help center page linked here should have answers to most of your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question via the help center, you can contact us here using the red question mark (?) icon on the bottom right of your screen.

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freedom on AmazingTalker.

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