When can you use bear with me?

16 Answers

Bear with me means "be patient, tolerate me".

past tense bore US/bɔr, boʊr/ | past participle borne US/bɔrn, boʊrn/

It is used when the interlocutor asks to be lenient to him, to listen to him calmly and to be patient with him. It is a polite way.

Many students confuse this word with "bare", because "bear" and "bare" are homophones. But "bare" means "uncover". So "bare with me" is inappropriate.

And also it has nothing to do with the animal :)

Bear with me while I tell you what is going on.

Ben couldn't bear it any longer, so he quit his job.

If you bear with me for a 5 minutes, I will sign this for you.

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What does it mean to 'bear with'?

If you ask someone to bear with you, you are asking them to wait for you for some reason.

Don't confuse the phrasal verb with the verb.

The phrasal verb 'bear with' means to wait.

The verb 'to bare' means to show or uncover something.

Examples of 'bear with'

Please bear with me while I set up the presentation.

(Please wait for me to get ready)

Examples of 'to bare)

The dog bared his teeth and snarled.

(the dog showed his teeth)

This is a useful phrasal verb.

If you are not quite prepared or need a little extra time while you look for something you can ask the other person or people to bear with you while you .........


"Bear with me"

We spell this "bear" and not "bare" which means "reveal, show

Have patience with me while I do something. Used to ask someone or a group of people to wait or be patient while you attend to another task.

e.g "Bear with me while I find the directions to the hotel"

She told the group of tourists to bear with her while she worked out how to open the gate.

"Bear with me while I think of the correct word"

We spell this "bear" and not "bare" which means "reveal, show"

Try some of your own sentences, best of luck and share your sentences with me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Internet is full of mistaken uses of homophones in expressions such as bear with me and bare with me. Bare with me doesn’t mean what you might think it means! The verb bare means “to reveal” or “to uncover.” The correct expression, “bear with me,” means “be patient with me.”

How to Remember the Spelling of Bear With Me

Are you still stumped? Here’s an easy way to differentiate bear from bare. You learned that bear as a verb means “to endure.” In its noun form, bear refers to a large furry animal. Combining these two definitions into a silly sentence will help you remember that the correct phrase is “bear with me,” not “bare with me.” A patient bear will always bear with you, but an impatient bear just might devour you!


If you can bear with me, a protest implies more than opposition, but rather accusation and rejection.

Please bear with me for the next few minutes because you are about to read the most self-indulgent column I have ever written – and as I’ve been writing these weekly Wednesday missives for the past 30-odd years, that’s really saying something.


Bare and bear sound alike so it’s easy to imagine why people confuse the two. Do you have them straight in your mind? Bare is a verb that means to “to uncover.” However, if you keep in mind that the verb bear means “to endure” or “to be patient,” the expression“bear with me” will make sense.


Bear with me

To remain patient and attentive, especially during a lengthy or problematic situation that may cause one to want to quit or leave prematurely.

Often used as an imperative.

bear with (someone or something)

Be patient, make allowances, put up with me. Today used mainly as a request to hear out a long-winded story or wait for a delayed result or event, this request appeared in John Heywood’s proverb collection of 1546. It may already have been considered somewhat archaic by Benjamin Franklin when he wrote, in An Added Chapter to the Book of Genesis (1763), “And couldst not thou . . . bear with him one night?”

1. I'm moving a little slower these days, so please bear with me.

2. We don't want to see this great school close down, so we're begging the teachers to bear with it, in spite of all the uncertainty.

3. Bear with us while we deal with these technical issues.

Source of the phrase

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


"Bear with me" means "be patient"

When it is Used

"Bear with me" is used when one is asking another to be patient with one in a given situation where one is asked something.


"Why is dinner so late?"

"Bear with me, the oven isn't working very well"

"We will start the class in a moment. Please bear with me while I try to find the presentation on my laptop"


"Bear with me" is a way in which one asks another to be patient in a certain situation. Tone can be important here, as saying such in a more demanding tone may come across as fairly rude and as if it is a command, rather than a request.


When do we use the phrase 'Bear with me'?

We use "Bear with me' when we are busy doing something but someone else requires our attention.

What does it mean?

When using the phrase 'Bear with me' we usually add 'a moment', 'a minute' or 'a second'. It means that you are asking the person who it is directed at to let you finish what you are doing before you can give them your undivided attention.


Please bear with me whilst I finish this call.

Please bear with me a moment, I just need to load the car.

Please bear with me whilst I get the kids lunch sorted.

Please bear with me a second, I'm almost finished here.


"Bear with me" is used when you would want people to please be patient with you and wait while you finish doing something, or do something.

"Bear with me" is a polite request


  1. I'm nearly finished. Bear with me for a minute and I'll talk to you then.

  2. Bear with me while I find his number for you, ok?

  3. Don't leave yet. Bear with me. I just need to finish sending this email before we leave.

  4. Please bear with me while I take you through this particular example.

  5. Please bear with me while I try to find my keys.

Other ways of saying "Bear with me" :

  1. Thanks for putting up with me. (informal)

  2. Hold on. (informal)

  3. Please wait a moment. (formal)

  4. Thank you for waiting. (formal)

  5. Thank you for being patient with me. (formal)

  6. I'll be right with you. (formal)


Should you use "bear with me"?

The phrase "bear with me" can be used to ask someone to be patient while you complete a task.

Concerning Connotation

Although sometimes this term is used in customer service, I would choose a different phrase. Asking for patience may not be the best way to get patience. When I have a situation where I want to ask a client to wait, I would use a phrase like, "I will have this finished for you very quickly, just one moment please."

Here are some better choices than "bear with me" :)

It will only be a couple of minutes to have this fixed for you.

I will work on this now.

Sure thing, this will only take a few moments.

Asking for Patience Isn't My Preferred Technique

When you ask someone to be patient, it may seem like you are calling them impatient.


You can say 'bear with me' if you want someone to to be patient and wait while you do something else.


Bear with me. I'm on the phone right now and I will be with you shortly.

If you could just bear with me for a moment I will find the address of my dentist to give you. I am sure I wrote it somewhere in my diary.

The bank manager asked the customer to bear with her as she reviewed the lengthy loan application.

Please bear with me. I just arrived and am getting settled into my new office.

I appreciate you bearing with me for the past few years.

The visit to the nursing home will be difficult. If you can’t bear to go, I’m fine without you.

Jane couldn’t bear it any longer; she had to quit her job.


Introduction - Bear with me

The word bear is a homophone to the word Bear Physical Bear


Bear with me = please be patient with me. We use ‘bear with me’ when we are taking a long time to do something during a conversation or meeting. Situation: You are in a cafe and you can’t find your wallet in your bag. You need a moment to look for your wallet. You can tell the barista: ‘ Please bear with me.

Examples of " Bear with me"

Examples of “bear with me” in a sentence I’m sure I’ll find it, please bear with me for a couple of minutes. I’m very ill and can’t complete the work right now, so please bear with me. Please bear with me until I resolve an urgent issue. Bear with me for a moment while I look into the matter.

Conclusion to "Bear with me"

As a verb, "bear" means to cope with or to endure. So, the expression technically translates to "endure with me" or "endure this with me."


You may use the expression "Bear with me" as a formal and polite way to ask someone to hold a moment. It suggests that information needs to be found out or uncovered, and in asking someone to bear with you, you are demonstrating that you will require a few minutes to find out.

What it really means :)

The correct expression, “bear with me,” means “be patient with me.”

"Ok, let me check for you. Please bear with me a moment"

"Sure, I can take a look. Would you mind bearing with me a moment?"

A fixed expression

To summarise, this fixed expression is among the most polite ways to ask someone to hold whilst you either find out required information, or you need to step away from the conversation/call etc.


Used in

It is most commonly used in the spoken language. You can hear it in daily conversation. However there are lots of synonims.



Bare with me doesn't mean what you might think it means! The verb bare means “to reveal” or “to uncover.” The correct expression, “bear with me,” means “be patient with me.” The speaker asked the audience to bear with her while she searched for the correct graph.

Used to ask someone politely to wait while you find out information or finish what you are doing at the moment.


Bear with me a minute, and I’ll check if the director is available.


Common in daily conversation.


影集中常常說的 "Bear with me" 是什麼意思呢?

相信大家在看影集或是脫口秀時偶爾會聽到這Please bear with me句話,奇怪,為什麼他們聊八卦聊到一半,突然跑出來一隻熊(bear)呢?


PLEASE bear with me - Patient Bear | Meme Generator




讀作 /baʊ/ 可以當動詞和名詞,皆為「鞠躬」之意。

讀作 /bəʊ/ 則為名詞,有「蝴蝶結」或「小提琴弓」之意。


bear 當作名詞為「熊」。

bear 當作動詞為 「忍受;容忍;經受;承擔;生育;結果實;開花...」。


Bear with me = Be patient with me

Bear with me其實就是


我們很常會在這些狀況下說Please bear with me:

  1. 想要做他人不喜歡的事時

  2. 正在忙的時候

  3. 有一些緊急事件需處理


  1. Bear with me, this is my jam! I have to sing it out loud!


  1. Please bear with me, I'm on the phone right now.


  2. Gosh! It seems my internet has dropped off, could you bear with me while I reconnect?


Ok, please bear with me...




What does 'bear' means besides a wild animal?

f course, when many people think of the word "bear," their attention turns to the scary grizzly bear outside the cabin door, rifling through the trash cans. That's certainly the definition of "bear" in its noun form.

What about "bear" as a verb? As a verb, "bear" means to cope with or to endure. So, the expression technically translates to "endure with me" or "endure this with me." In this context, it makes sense why "bear" is the way to go and not "bare" with me.

Bear with me while we sort out these technical difficulties,” said the radio DJ.

“This will be a long lecture, but bear with me because at the end there will be a quiz,” warned the professor.

“I know you’re angry, but bear with me while I explain myself,” said Elliot’s boyfriend.

Bare with me definition: Bare with me is a misspelling of the same phrase. Bare and bear are both verbs, so the mistake is easy to make.

Bare, though, means to expose or to uncover when used as a verb. If you use the phrase bare with me, you might cause your readers to question your intentions.


bear with me (phrasal verb)


---a polite way of saying to be patient with you as you do something or finish something

---also known as "bear with someone", which means "to be patient with someone"

---can also be "bear with (something)", i.e. "bear with the problems"

Sentence Examples:

Please bear with me for my grammar mistakes.
Try to bear with her for her mood swings.

The student is trying to bear with the difficulties of learning English.

Further explanation:

There are synonyms that we can use to replace the phrase "bear with (someone/ something)".

These are the following:

put up with (phrasal verb) --to accept or continue an unpleasant situation, or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly

tolerate (verb) --to allow something even you dislike it or disagree with it
