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Study Indonesian with a teacher who is just focused on you!
Welcome to AmazingTalker, an online Indonesian learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults! We have over 1.4 million students that currently study Indonesian to improve skills such as business, conversations, grammar, and more. We got you covered.
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to automatically get in touch with the best-fit tutors. All contacted tutors will assist you right away and tailor-make an Indonesian class that suits you. Get in touch now!
Study Indonesian with a teacher who is just focused on you!
Welcome to AmazingTalker, an online Indonesian learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults! We have over 1.4 million students that currently study Indonesian to improve skills such as business, conversations, grammar, and more. We got you covered.
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to automatically get in touch with the best-fit tutors. All contacted tutors will assist you right away and tailor-make an Indonesian class that suits you. Get in touch now!
Study Indonesian with a teacher who would tailor-make an Indonesian class that suits you!
AmazingTalker, an online Indonesian learning platform that offers a wide range of classes for all levels from kids to adults with 1.4m students around the world!
Where to start? Try out our AI Matching system to get in touch with the best-fit tutors. Get in touch now!
Terima kasih Bu.Afanie for your passionate kelas! I have studied as follows. tertular flu = infected flu pernah dengar = heard before menyanyi = sing terakhir kali = last time putung rokok = smoked cigarette sadar = aware rawan penyakit = easy to be infected kanker paru-paru = lung cancer penyakit = disease sakit = sick perih = sting masuk angin = get flu cocok = suitable berkeringat = sweat watt listrik = electricity watt limit desa = village kira-kira = about peristiwa = incident terjadi = happen angin topan - hurricane penyebab = reason mencegah = prevent membuang sampah di tempat sampah = throw rubbish in the trash can lee dong wook = Korean actor gempa bumi = earthquake tidak ada asap tampa api = Where there's smoke, there's fire.
I love this teacher !!!!!
Her classes are well prepared and planned. I can feel my vocabulary building up, and the words that I learned in the previous lessons will usually appear again in the next sections to deepen my memory. At the beginning of each class Vista always has a little chat in Indonesian, and during the class there are always some questions that require an answer from my real life, so the Indonesian that I use during class is useful and personal. Vista is also very friendly and encourages me to speak in Indonesian. I can feel my improvement after each session.
The material in the class is interesting.
It has been a great experience learning from Klara. She not only teaches the languages, but also explains why it happens in the culture. It is always the best to be able to learn a language from its native speaker.
Fantastic class of Indonesian language. One of the best teacher of Indonesian language in Amazing Talker! Thank you so much.