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Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
This was my 16th lesson. I feel I have learnt a lot today. Making sentences using nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in present tense. Feeling further inspired to review all what I have learnt. Also feeling that I am making small but steady progress. Ended the lesson with smiles on my face.
I practiced my pronunciation and vocabulary
Teacher who really care about his student and help them reach their full potential :-)
Much appreciated,dear teacher Edith. ^^
Much appreciated, dear teacher Seb. ^^
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