
Sara🌟Bilingual French Teacher🇫🇷DELF Certified🎓Join Me!

1French for academic study Sessions Completed
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FrenchB2 Upper-Intermediate
EnglishB1 Intermediate
*Live in Europe and can assist in teaching in English or French * Certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language! Help foreign students with difficulties in learning Chinese. * Diversified teaching. The explanation is easy to understand, pleasant and not monotonous! * Teach students over 6-50 years old. As long as you are interested in studying, I can help you! * Customized classroom contents, build for you! Method * Use PowerPoint presentation in class, share class teaching materials, let students to review at any time after the class. * Encourage students to talk and practice * Adjust the step, according to the way you like, each lesson will make you learn a lot. * I’m patient and kind so that you will not feel pressure * If you wish to have homework as an exercise, I will be happy to help you prepare the exercises * Teaching of Pinyin, Zhuyin, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. * If you want to learn Chinese in a systematic way, I can help you choose the textbooks that suit you, with a PowerPoint presentation designed by me. If it’s necessary, I can prepare the exercises after class. * If you want to practice speaking conversation, you can practice with different topics according to your needs. Example: Current affairs, hobbys, life terms, etc. * Encourage you to learn chinese characters. Don't need to feel pressured, The most important thing is to understand Chinese characters rather than write. The teacher can teach you how to type Chinese characters by your computer, because for the higher stages, y You can learn easily.
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📣團體班課程 :約為正式課程的6折,優惠名額有限!🎉🎉🎉 🖱️🖱️🖱️點擊下方「瀏覽完整課程內容」,你將會看到—— ✅對團體班有興趣的同學,歡迎複製網址填寫需求!https://tinyurl.com/yeuvvdah 團體班優勢、各種超級班別、各班上課內容與課時 🏅🧑‍🎓團體班優勢: -和其他學員一起學習,進修路上不孤單。 -規律上課,與夥伴一起效率學習。 -有預算上考量也可以輕鬆學習法語。 -課後提供上課補充內容與錄音檔,隨時複習。 班別: 🗼零基礎開口說旅遊法語🗼 🍴 餐旅留學法語班 🍴 🔸 零基礎 Delf A1 檢定準備班🔸 👦零基礎少兒法語班👧(八歲以上) 📖A1~A2 文法班📖 💖為愛奔走法國居留資格 OFII 解說+ Delf A1檢定準備班💖 👨‍🎓應用所學基礎法語班👩‍🎓 🥐甜點料理文化法文食譜示範手作班🧀 (短期班) 🍷法國飲食文化美學🍷 (短期班) ------往下看可以看到各班別課程資訊------ 🍴Vin rosé 粉紅酒-春游最佳選擇初階品評班 🍴(法文10% +中文90%) ⏱️50-80分鐘 X 1堂 (通常會超過時間) 👩‍👧‍👦2-6人 📚粉紅酒品種介紹,釀造方法認識! 🍪清爽而不膩、是和亞洲料理,顛覆你對粉紅酒的想像~ ❗課前需自備粉紅白酒與小點心! 🍴Vin d'alsace 阿爾薩斯白酒品評班🍴(法文20% +中文80%) ⏱️50-80分鐘 X 1堂 (通常會超過時間) 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 📚阿爾薩斯白酒品種介紹,品評同時認識法國三月份特色假期! 🍪享受文化薰陶 ❗需自備阿爾薩斯白酒與小點心! 🗼零基礎開口說旅遊法語🗼 ⏱️50分鐘 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 📚入門法文發音,能在自助旅遊時運用所學。 🚍麵包店、咖啡廳、餐廳、機場、飯店、車站主題性學習旅遊餐飲法文 ✈️適合喜愛自助旅遊的學員 📖留學餐旅法文準備班 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 ✔️階級職稱與職責配置 ✔️知名chef食譜導讀!專業操作術語 ✔️食材器具專有名詞,自己設計法文食譜練習 ✔️時下展覽比賽訊息分享 📖 零基礎 Delf A1 檢定準備班 ⏱️50分鐘 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 ✔️描述他人外表、表達想法、問句應用 ✔️代名詞使用方式 ✔️時態往下延伸應用 ✔️閱讀簡短小文章 ✔️針對考試的題目類型來加強訓練聽說讀寫 ✔️提供模擬題練習跟答題方法提示 💖為愛奔走法國居留資格 OFII 解說+ Delf A1檢定準備班💖 ⏱️50分鐘 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 📚居留簽證疑難雜症,可以跟你分享我的經驗和申請小撇步。 🚍準備OFII程序,和準備DELF A1 一起來 ✈️適合為愛飄海而來的你/妳 👦零基礎少兒法語班👧 ⏱️25分鐘 👩‍👧‍👦2人及開班 📚入門法文發音,遊戲互動學法文。 🚍和同齡小朋友一起學習法文 🍷法國飲食文化美學🍷 (短期班) 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 🥂享用法國小酌美食邊上課,了解法國初步飲食文化(葡萄酒、起司、甜點、餐點) 🍴針對不同主題少堂數開放報名,可自行選擇有興趣的主題 📚建議需要會基本法語發音的學生參加喔(不太建議完全零基礎) 💬私訊了解該梯次上課主題 👨‍🎓應用所學基礎法語班👩‍🎓 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 📚培養語感,增加自信,應用平常所學與同儕一起趣味學習 🎪玩遊戲、情境演練角色扮演、實用生活、影片聽力討論 🥂平常沒有太多機會用法文溝通的學生 🥐甜點料理文化法文食譜班🧀 (短期班) ⏱️??分鐘 X ?堂 (依照甜點難易度調整上課時間) 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 🥣看懂食譜,有實作與示範課程! 🔪專有名詞一點通 📚對甜點料理有興趣且學習過入門法文的學生 📖A1~A2 文法班📖 ⏱️50分鐘 👩‍👧‍👦2-4人 📊學員投票文法主題 📚簡單易懂文法講解、加強鞏固文法底子 📜想淺顯易懂,系統式有條理學習文法的學生 🗓️開班時間及揪友團報上課內容細節皆可再討論! 歡迎有興趣學生私訊Sara~ 💟搭配一對一購買還有額外優惠喔!💟
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Videos from one-on-one courses can be downloaded within one year after the course ends, greatly enhancing your learning experience!
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1360 French course reviews

  • Mandy
    Nov 16, 2023
    Sara is patient to help me preparing the exam. She gave me the exercises to pratice. In class, she gave me a lot of opportunity to speak.
  • Anonymous
    Oct 4, 2021
    Thank you so much for tutoring my french homework!! The explanations are clear and easy to understand. see you next time.
See all 1360 reviews

French learning milestones

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Performance History



  • 2019 - 2020 中文家教
  • 2019 - 2019 英文家教
  • 2019 - 2020 法文家教
  • 2014 - 2017 新加坡法商


  • 2020 - 2020 國立台灣師範大學 對外華語師資培訓課程

  • 2011 - 2013 Ecole lenotre Master calss


  • DELF B1

  • 2019 - 2020 中文家教
  • 2019 - 2019 英文家教
  • 2019 - 2020 法文家教
  • 2014 - 2017 新加坡法商
  • 2020 - 2020



  • 2011 - 2013

    Ecole lenotre

    Master calss

  • DELF B1


How to book

  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.

Lesson duration

  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).


  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.

Refund policy

  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.
How to book
  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.
Lesson duration
  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).
  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.
Refund policy
  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.

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