Korean: 6th language? 헐…

안녕하세요! 저는 한국어를 배우고 있는 헤이즐입니당~

Learning the Korean language from a proper teacher had been on my bucket list for quite some time, but I never realised it until last year when I was stuck at home. It started with a mere interest in the Korean culture and the language itself, given the great exposure to K-entertainment, Korean cuisine, so on and so forth — and simply because I want to watch Korean shows without subtitles, listen to Korean songs while correctly interpreting the lyrics. All these were then followed by an invaluable opportunity to go to a top-notch university in Korea. And I didn’t want to just attend, I also want to be able to blend into the community.

The decision of embarking on this journey wasn’t an easy one. With a limited budget, clicking on the enrol button was even harder. Workload at university wasn’t light too, and people of different backgrounds don’t usually comprehend. Also, according to a research, being fluent in so many languages was also a tough task! But I still made this decision as that was the only time I was free from project deadlines (and so I ended up saving up like crazy afterwards, and… let’s skip that miserable story LOL).

Anyway, before my first lesson started, I was extremely nervous as I wasn’t used to communicating through webcams. But later figured out that it wasn’t at all a big matter, the lessons got more enjoyable along the way. Thanks to my teacher, I was more or less guided throughout and I even got to participate in group lessons that she organised — bringing together people from around the world with the same interests and just converse. Shout-out to her and the people who have always been supporting me, for leading me to where I am now (so much improvement!). And also giving everyone a pat on the back for the numerous efforts and especially, the passion for languages!

Cheers to my new journey in Korea! 힘내자! xx

Teacher in the story

/ 50 min
/ Trial lesson
🏆TOP 2.7%💼KPOP Industry Insight&Training🔥THE ONLY COURSE IN AT🔥🎯Intensed Speaking🎯TOPIK I&II Prep🎯Study in Korea🎯KPOP Insight🎹Artist Business/Marketing🎹Music Making🎹☀️Skills to take tests☀️🏆Systematic Strategy🏆KPOP Insight🏆Let Dream Come True🏆Get Into The Industry🎓Korean/Composition❤️Trilingual
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  • Hi, Hazel :)
    I'm Sarah
    I just read your story and I got to be engaged in that
    What a good story?
    Are you still learning Korean?
    I really hope you're learning Korean :)
    I think you're talented in writing
    You should write your story in Korean like this!
    If you have already done that, that's really awesome :)
    If you have any questions about Korean or Korea, message me
  • I really enjoyed your Korean study story. I hope you can communicate with more people and enjoy it by studying Korean. Because there are so many good people in Korea! I hope we can meet again if we are meant to be. Actually, I am teaching Korean, too. If you have any questions about Korean culture or travel food, please feel free to ask! I'll be waiting
  • 恭喜您找到合適的老師,我也一樣,我自從上了課之後,漸漸發現看美劇都能聽到有學過的單字,也比較能融會貫通。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story


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