Fruitful learning with no pressure! Confidence booster for kids!

We have started our English lessons with Ms Pheobe for about 5 months now. We started when Valerie – my 6 year old daughter was transitioning from a Chinese school to an English Primary School. My daughter is an introvert and not a natural talker. Plus going to a new environment where the teachers would mostly speak English was definitely a challenge for her. Ms Pheobe is very patient - she took the time to talk to Valerie, trying to understand what she does at home, at home and during weekends. They spend time to talk freely at the beginning of every lesson. This has made Valerie feel much more comfortable with Ms Pheobe as a start. Ms Pheobe then designed colorful slides, games with grammar exercise, stories that suit her levels, and the most of all, she would include topics that are relevant to the school curriculum. All these made Valerie feel at ease as she is already familiar with the topics covered at school but Ms Pheobe has extended a bit to cover extra vocab and grammar practice. It has always been a relaxing one hour for Valerie and yet she had a lot of opportunities to speak English and practice her vocab. The personalized and customized level and curriculum, plus the caring and inclusive attitude have boosted Valerie’s confidence in English! Fruitful learning with no pressure! Ms Pheobe has also kept close contact with me and share the progress with me after each class. It helps a lot in understanding the content and materials. She is also very willing to take my suggestions and further expand and add in creativity in the course materials too! And now, we have also introduced Ms Pheobe to Valerie’s elder brother and both our kids are enjoying English lessons with Ms Pheobe!!


  • 對你有益。
    - 對您在每堂課中的表現進行綜合評估,例如,可以包括以下內容:
    - 你擅長的領域:請你的導師對你的長處進行全面評估並記錄下來,以便你專注於其他領域[弱點]
    - 你的語法錯誤和句子結構錯誤:你所有的錯誤都應該被記錄下來,作為你學習進度的參考。
    - 改進建議:應評估您的弱點,並相應地提供改進建議。
    - 專門針對你的弱點的作業,例如,如果你有語法問題,那麼作業將集中在語法上。


    - 請您的導師專注於英語語言的各個方面,例如聽力、閱讀、語法、閱讀理解策略、批判性思維技巧、寫作技巧、詞彙擴展技巧等,以確保您發展英語的所有領域語言同時。
    - 您可以建議額外的資源,例如視頻、音頻文件和文章,以幫助您更好地欣賞所學內容。祝您學習之旅順利。

    - 加入盡可能多的道具很重要,因為當有輔助道具可以幫助他們更好地欣賞和理解新單詞時,幼兒往往會更好地集中註意力。
  • 👍
  • great story
  • Very nice story !!
  • 加油~!
  • It’s great to Valerie progressing day by day 😍
  • Awwwwwww lovely story🥰
  • 加油加油
  • Nawww... This is so sweet! Thanks for being supportive 💕 It is very enthusing to see the progress Valerie has made! From saying yes/no to answering in complete sentences, from nodding her head to sharing her class-captain experience with me! 🌟 I’m so proud to see how amazing Valerie has been doing 🥰 Keep it going! ♥️🌻
  • 加油吖!
  • 加油吖!
  • 加油!
  • 學習最緊要小朋友開心,Ms Phoebe真係一位好老師呀