What does preconceived notions mean?
What does preconceived notions mean?
If you have preconceived ideas about something, you have already formed an opinion about it before you have enough information or experience. Maybe he had preconceived ideas about me. We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life.
What are preconceived notions examples?
Preconceived notions, also sometimes referred to as unconscious biases, are opinions that are formed without any proof or evidence. Examples include prejudices, stereotypes, and various other types of unconscious bias.
To single out motivation as the major cause of unwanted pregnancies reflects a preconceived notion, which runs counter to the goals of preventive medicine.
In this respect, paradoxical individual differences, where a dysfunctional trait correlates with some preconceived notion of the correct answer, are particularly compelling.
The framing of the field in this way requires the bracketing off of research that does not fit this preconceived notion of how sexuality has been studied.
an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence. synonyms: parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession. type of: opinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, view. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.
UK /ˌpriː.kənˈsiːvd/ US /ˌpriː.kənˈsiːvd/
(of an idea or an opinion) formed too early, especially without enough thoughtor knowledge
(想法或觀點)事先認為的,預想的;(尤指)未充分考慮的You must judge each film on its own merits, without any preconceived notionsabout what it's like.你必須根據每部電影各自的優劣來作出判斷,不應該先入為主,存有成見。