
Io Teacher 🌼🏅 Korean Instructor 📺 Japanese TV Show Celebrity Interpreter 📚

15 years teaching experience
854Clases de coreano completadas


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🔥 How about Mr. Io? 🔥 👩🏫 7th year as a Korean language instructor at Shundai College in Japan 🌎 10 years of NOVA Korean language instructor 🎌 10 years as the representative instructor of the Korean language of Jios, the Japanese English Academy 🏫 3 years as a Korean language instructor at the Obe Asian Language Institute ⛩ Japanese immigration office Korean instructor 🏮 Korean language instructor at a Japanese public company 🛫 Haneda International Airport Duty Free Shop Korean Instructor 🎮 Japanese game company, Korean instructor 📺 Japanese TV show celebrity interpretation 👨🎓Holding a second-degree Korean teacher certificate 🎎. 420 hours of Japanese teacher qualification 🏫 Japanese instructor at an elementary school in Tokyo 🎋 Japanese instructor residing in Japan 📚 More than 15 years of experience as a Korean language instructor 🌎Living in Tokyo for more than 20 years 🔥 With more than 15 years of teaching experience, classes can be tailored to TOPIK tests 🌟 The difficulty of learning a new language is understandable (after adulthood, learning Japanese and English) 🔥With full of energy🔥 💚️🥰A class that you can trust and relax‼ 💛The subject of the lecture is 💖 📍 Anyone who wants to learn Korean first 📍 Anyone who wants to study Korean properly from grammar 📍 Anyone who wants to speak Korean well 📍TOPIC, who is preparing for the Korean qualification exam 📍 Who wants to make Korean friends 📍 Who wants to speak in Korean when traveling to Korea 📍K-If you are interested in Korean cultural contents such as beauty, K-drama, and K-pop 📍 Those who need Korean for work 🔥 Teacher Io's lecture effect 🔥 ✅⭕️ The class is tailored to individual goals ✅⭕ Maximize practice so that students can speak rather than teachers during class ✅️⭕Native Korean Language ✅⭕ ️ Clearly conveys meaning in bilingual ✅⭕ Textbooks that students want are available (available Korean, Ewha Korean, Canadian Korean etc.) ✅⭕ ➃Explain basic grammar in learner's language if the student wishes ✅ ⭕ Maximize visual effects using PPT textbooks made by teachers ✅⭕ After setting goals, vocabulary, grammar, Present homework clearly ✅⭕ ️15 years of teaching experience, so you can respond to any level ✅️ ⭕ You can easily get higher scores than anyone else with your experience in teaching topic special lectures at a vocational school ✅ ⭕ Homework, diary, questions, etc. can be communicated through the line 📚 Student-tailored classes 📚 📍 Each student prepares a class according to the topic of interest 📍 Specialized classes for entrance, beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels 📍 Class by short-term purpose 🛫 (airport, hotel, restaurant, subway, shopping, etc.) 🎯 Introduction to Korean 🔰 💎 Subject of lecture (first time studying Korean) 💎 🎯 Goals 🔰 Write your name in Korean 🔰 Self-introduction and greeting expression 🔰 double vowels and consonants 🔰 Support, double vowel, double support 🔰 Write a word in Korean 🎯 Beginner course 💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Beginner (for those who can read Korean but are not good at conversation) 🎯 Goals ✅ Introduce yourself ✅ Read slowly in Korean ✅ Talk about the weather ✅ Simple expression of intention ✅ It refers to symptoms at pharmacies and hospitals. ✅ Expressions for weekends and vacations ✅ Learn basic grammar ✅ Write a diary with simple sentences ✅ Read and dictate words 🎯 Intermediate level 💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Intermediate (If you want to express Korean more naturally) 🎯 Goals ✅ Natural emotional expression ✅ Expression of various places and public facilities ✅ It refers to detailed symptoms in hospitals and pharmacies. ✅ Use honorifics and informal language to suit the situation ✅ Intermediate grammar and indirect speech ✅ Writing a daily diary and writing a university report ✅ Read and dictate sentences correctly 🎯 Advanced 💎 Lecture Target 💎 Advanced (If you want to speak Korean like a native speaker) 🎯 Goals ✅ Natural native expression ✅ I understand how to talk at the speed of native speakers ✅ Understand and comment on professional topics ✅ Read newspapers, books, and talk and present your opinions on the subject ✅Say sentences at native speaker speed 📚TOPIK I 🎓 💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Beginner 🔰 Set clear goals for the student's desired rating ✅⭕ Words required for beginner topic ✅⭕ Grammar required for beginner's ✅⭕ Complete understanding of the topic beginner type ✅⭕ Listening: Conversation expression, beginner's vocabulary ✅⭕ Reading: Beginner's vocabulary, core vocabulary 📚TOPIK II 🎓 to set a clear goal for the student's desired grade ✅ ⭕ Words required above the intermediate level for the topic ✅ ⭕ Grammar required for topics above intermediate level ✅ ⭕ Complete understanding of topic intermediate and above 💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Intermediate or higher Learn strategies by type 🎵 ✅ Listening: Conversation expression, high-quality vocabulary ✅ Writing: Table, Graph Analysis Writing ✅ Reading: Advanced vocabulary, core vocabulary 😍 K-pop 🌈 K-drama Korean 🎶 💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Beginner or higher ✅ Learning Korean through favorite K-pop and K-drama ✅ Practice listening and speaking with learned expressions ✅ to learn the grammar from a drama ✅ Know the meaning of unknown lyrics from kpop 🌎Travel in Korean. 🛍️ 🛫 Airport ✅ Check in after leaving your luggage 🏚 ➇ restaurant ✅Calculation after ordering food 🚘 Taxi ✅ Say the destination and calculate 🏨 Hotel ✅ Check in and request what you need 🛍 Shopping ✅ Name the product name you need, negotiate the price, and calculate it 🌎 Role play in situations 💛 Planning a three-day Seoul travel course 💖 Say what you want to say while learning Korean 🐶 Come join My Trial Class! 🐶 What to expect in this 25-min trial❓ ➡️ Plot your learning journey with me! ➡️ A detailed analysis of your current level ➡️ A problem-solving mini-lesson ➡️ Valuable learning methods to stop wasting time! ❗️Classroom Rules ❕ ↘️ Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class. ↘️ Always check your connection and devices before class starts. ↘️ Cancel the class 24 hours before class. If you have to cancel a class within 24 hours, be sure you notify me through What’s App/AT Chat
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258 reseñas

  • Joisu
    sep 21, 2024
    선생님 감사합니다! 한국어 수업이 너무 재미있었어요! 前回のYouTubeビデオは韓国語の字幕しかなくて、難易度はさすがに高かった。그리고...もう1本のYouTubeビデオを見つけた。日本語の字幕もあるし、内容も面白くて、たくさん書いてみた。(アイドルの顔をずっと見てて目の保養にもバッチリ👍🏻) URL: https://youtu.be/LetwHEXGvY8?si=erq8UWv7R-Vt5PtY 다음 수업을 기대하고 있습니다. 또 만나요.
  • Anónimo
    sep 10, 2024
    오늘도 감사합니다!!! 今日は先生からの質問にもいつもより応えられた気がしました😊毎回レッスンで教科書や日記以外の単語やフレーズを教えてくださるのでドラマでも聞こえたりして嬉しいです😃また次回よろしくお願いします!
Ver las 258 reseñas

Rendimiento del Profesor


Experiencia laboral

  • 2023 hasta la fecha 일본 도쿄 슨다이 외국어 전문학교
  • 2011 - 2021 NOVA영어 학원
  • 2015 - 2019 도쿄 외국어 전문학교
  • 2019 - 2020 도쿄 관광 전문학교
  • 2015 - 2016 도쿄도 다이토쿠 초등학교


  • 1994 - 1999 문화 여자 대학교 일본어 문화학과

  • 2015 - 2016 휴먼 아카데미 일본어 교사 양성

  • 2017 - 2019 경희사이버대학교 한국어학과


  • Korean Language Teacher Qualification 한국어교원 자격증

Experiencia laboral
  • 2023 hasta la fecha 일본 도쿄 슨다이 외국어 전문학교
  • 2011 - 2021 NOVA영어 학원
  • 2015 - 2019 도쿄 외국어 전문학교
  • 2019 - 2020 도쿄 관광 전문학교
  • 2015 - 2016 도쿄도 다이토쿠 초등학교
  • 1994 - 1999

    문화 여자 대학교

    일본어 문화학과

  • 2015 - 2016

    휴먼 아카데미

    일본어 교사 양성

  • 2017 - 2019



  • Korean Language Teacher Qualification 한국어교원 자격증


Cómo reservar la clase

  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)


  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento


  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.


  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.
Cómo reservar la clase
  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)
  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento
  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.
  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.

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