See the World in English

Having online English classes with Melody is the most rewarding thing that happened to me in 2021. Not only is she an amazing teacher, she is also a wonderful career designer and helper. She uses native logic and organic ways to simplify English grammar. I haven’t felt afraid to learn and approach my grammar problems since I met Melody.

She recommends that we record a one-minute speech in English every day. It was not easy for me at the beginning but now my pronunciation is improving dramatically. Not to exaggerate, but I can’t live without the daily recording now.

On top of that, Melody invites people from different backgrounds to host weekly free chats with her students. I slowly built my confidence from participating in the chats and understood more about western countries and cultures. Furthermore, some speakers from the free chats have also inspired me to pursue my dreams and life goals.

Last but not least, no matter what my problems are and when I encounter them, I’m able to ask Melody for advice. She would offer me quick and constructive suggestions. I really appreciate her kind help. Now I’m having a second session of classes with Melody and I’m looking forward to my new growth from this journey.
小時候學英文條件受限,我的英文基礎並沒有很好,我沒有天賦的好嗓音,在發音上,非常困擾。現在即使我已經有相對穩定的工作了,我還是想盡我所能多學習,在職場上能有更好的突破。感謝公司的栽培和同事的推薦,讓我遇見了amazing talker 學習平台上的老師--Melody Wu. Melody是一位非常與眾不同的老師,上完她的10堂課,我仿佛是用英文看了全世界的風情人土。

每次上Melody的課,我都能發自內心的想參與,想表達。這要感謝她強大的mind map. Melody十分了解非英文母語學習者的習性和困擾,能課製化上課要點,及時指出我們日常表達的誤區。在文法上,她以邏輯/文化/思維角度去分析,告訴我們文法怎麼來,和中式思維差異,如何應用。在這樣的教學模式下,我們能很快學到文法核心,舉一反三。這和傳統老師A+B 就是等於C的方式更有效更道地。




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17 Reseñas

  • 對你有益。
    - 對您在每堂課中的表現進行綜合評估,例如,可以包括以下內容:
    - 你擅長的領域:請你的導師對你的長處進行全面評估並記錄下來,以便你專注於其他領域[弱點]
    - 你的語法錯誤和句子結構錯誤:你所有的錯誤都應該被記錄下來,作為你學習進度的參考。
    - 改進建議:應評估您的弱點,並相應地提供改進建議。
    - 專門針對你的弱點的作業,例如,如果你有語法問題,那麼作業將集中在語法上。


    - 請您的導師專注於英語語言的各個方面,例如聽力、閱讀、語法、閱讀理解策略、批判性思維技巧、寫作技巧、詞彙擴展技巧等,以確保您發展英語的所有領域語言同時。
    - 您可以建議額外的資源,例如視頻、音頻文件和文章,以幫助您更好地欣賞所學內容。祝您學習之旅順利。
  • 恭喜您找到適合自己的老師,我也一樣,我的老師是熱門的老師,對每一位飛行學生設計客製化的課程,從聊天當中都能感覺到老師的用心,我幾乎找不到第二個像老師這樣子的備課跟分析學生的學習需求,並能達到學生的英文目標,如果按照老師的安排,在短時間就會有成效。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story

    If you like my story, please vote a like💖,thank you so much 😊
  • 嗨!這是我學英文的故事
    給我一點鼓勵 投一個愛心💖 非常謝謝😊
    Hello! teacher, This is my English learning story
    If you like my story, please give me a like💖
    Give me encouragement, Thank you so much 😊
  • 就像你所說的,遇到一個合適自己的老師很重要,我也寫了一篇文章,你可以幫我按一下「❤️」嗎?感謝你
  • 哇聽起來真讚!!!找到適合自己的老師很重要,這樣才能啟發學習並讓他事半功倍!!!
  • Comgratulations
  • 很优秀,值得推荐
  • 加油!希望總有一天, 大家都可以用英文看世界^^
  • 👍 keep it up !
  • 非常棒的经验,希望你之后的学习一切顺利!
  • Amy, thank you for sharing your experience. I am happy that you have found such a great teacher and that you are excited to continue your English learning journey.
  • Where is a will, there is a way.
    I believe I can improve my English with my persistence and Melody^^
  • Good for you! I love these learning hacks. Mind map is so versatile that I have used it with students of all ages, for expanding vocabulary, brainstorming essay ideas, and even personal development.
  • Excellent story! well done!
  • Great Job!!!
  • Teaching you has been great fun! I agree with Alba. I am also learning from you all the time~ I admire your drive, persistence, and hard work! And guess what? They are all paying off handsomely~ Keep learning and expanding yourself. You are unstoppable!
  • Mind Map is really a great learning tool!!! Especially Melody's tutorials are organized and inputs the detailed basic messages! It really helped me a lot~ Learning with Amy also helped me a lot! It's great to meet you guys on the way to learning English!