My 1st Korean teacher

Well, I just realized that we actually know each other for more than 2 years already in which, I always really enjoying all of the class that she had taught me. I do always respected her as a teacher most of the time, however, she does gave me a vibe of being friend so I like her a lot. And thank to her that all of my korean skills improved a lot that I am able to spend a day in Korea by myself.
And yeah I had been to Korea in June 2o22, thought I would meet her but not, yet, I managed to meet her in the passed year on 20th Dec 2023 and I don't really know what to say really. She is very lovey and smart, more than that, she treated me really well while we met. Moreover, she had gave me a weird feeling once we met, it is like we are connected kinda like a vibe of use to each others something like that. Anyway, she is one of the great teacher for me and I would definitely keep a connection with her.


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inglésB2 Intermedio
inglésB2 Intermedio
🎉안녕하세요! 반가워요! 한국어 선생님 '정'입니다. 우리 같이 즐겁게 공부해요! 좋아하는 주제로 수다도 떨고, 뉴스얘기도 해요. 수업시간에 만나요! 기다릴게요😉 🏫교육대학교 재학 / 한국어교원 120시간 수료 / 법학과 졸업 🎈1:1 맞춤식 수업 / 편안한 분위기 / 친절하고 인내심 많은 선생님 / 언제든지 편하게 질문하세요
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