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Thank you teacher Emma!! Good activity for practicing ㄅㄆㄇㄈ.
it has been almost two months since Defne met Madison . as everyone knows that to be able to grab a child's attention is quite diffucult but Madison does that very well. Just to hear Madison's name is enough for Defne to be happy . As she is 3.5 years old , to have a good relationship was quite important to me when it comes to learning english ... to be honest☺️ It was my priority And thanks to her personality , Defne doesnt even realize that she is learning English in a higly disciplined way 😂😂🤓
We practiced speaking more and forming sentences orally in a way that makes sense. Practiced passé compose
Another great class. Thank you for helping me progress!
Very dedicated and helpful teacher. She is always ready to help and cater to the students.
FiFi is very nice and tries to help her students improve in the best way she can. If I had to describe her in three words, I would say she is friendly, careful, and serious.