160 Most Common Spanish Verbs | Conjugation & More (+PDF)

Boost your Spanish-speaking prowess by learning Spanish verbs!

To do or not to do, that is the question! Which can be answered with verbs, aka doing words. Becoming acquainted with these verb Spanish words, in the beginning, have many benefits, such as making learning whatever topic you want in Spanish much easier and improving the quality of your conversational Spanish!

In this article, we will be discussing 160 of the most common verbs in Spanish and give you an idea of how to use them!


Skateboarding, verbs in Spanish
Source: Pexels

25 Common Spanish Verbs

All manner of grammar is important, such as nouns or adjectives in Spanish, today we will focus on verbs! Verbs describe actions or a state of being, whether abstract or concrete. Verbs in Spanish will change according to the pronoun, as seen in the tables below.

Let’s start off by introducing you to 25 common Spanish verbs that you need to know. We will tell you what they mean and give you examples of how to use them. Keep in mind, all of these verbs are in Spanish present tense!

1. Ser – To be

There are two ways to say “To be” in Spanish; ser and estar they might mean the same thing, but are actually used in different contexts!

Ser is used when talking about a characteristic or something permanent, such as date, occupation, time, characteristic, relation, and origin.

Pronoun Ser
Yo (me) Soy
Tú (you) Eres
Él, ella, usted Es
Nosotros Somos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Son


For example:

  • Yo soy buena en matematicas (I am good at math)
  • Ellos son familia (They are family)

2. Estar – To be (second condition)

Estar is used when talking about something that is temporary such as emotion, condition, location, action, or position.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Estoy
Tú (you) Estás
Él, ella, usted Está
Nosotros Estamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Están


For example:

  • Yo estoy cansada (I am tired)
  • Nosotros estamos durmiendo (We are sleeping)

3. Haber – To have, to be

To show the existence of something, usually used as an auxiliary or helping verb.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) He
Tú (you) Has
Él, ella, usted Ha
Nosotros Hemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Han


For example:

  • Susie/Ella ha comido (Susie/She has eaten)
  • Yo he caminado (I have walked).

4. Hacer – To do, to make

To show that something or someone is doing, or making. Like you are making a sculpture.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Hago
Tú (you) Haces
Él, ella, usted Hace
Nosotros Hacemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Hacen


For example:

  • Yo hago clase de arte (I do art class)
  • Ella hace pastel. (She makes cake).

5. Poder – To be able to

To show that something or someone is able to do something, not that they are doing the action. “I can do this” in English.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Puedo
Tú (you) Puedes
Él, ella, usted Puede
Nosotros Podemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Pueden


For example:

  • Yo puedo tomar el turno esta noche (I can take the shift tonight).
  • ¿Nosotros pueden llegar a la fiesta? (Can we make it to the party?)

6. Ir – To go

To show that something or someone is going somewhere. Where are you going?

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Voy
Tú (you) Vas
Él, ella, usted Va
Nosotros Vamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Van


For examples:

  • Ella se va a casa (She is going home).
  • Yo voy (I am going).

7. Decir – To tell, to say

To show that something is saying or telling something. Like when you tell your mom you ate all the cake.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Digo
Tú (you) Dices
Él, ella, usted Dice
Nosotros Decimos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Dicen


For example:

  • ¡Yo digo la verdad! (I am telling the truth!)
  • ¿Qué dice ella? (What does she say?)

8. Ver – To see

To show that you, or someone, is seeing something. Like you see a bird in the tree.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Veo
Tú (you) Ves
Él, ella, usted Ve
Nosotros Vemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Ven


For example:

  • Yo veo la televisión (I watch TV)
  • Nosotros vemos que es rojo (We see that it is red)

9. Comer – To eat

A verb that means someone or something is going to eat.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Como
Tú (you) Comes
Él, ella, usted Come
Nosotros Comemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Comen


For example:

  • Yo voy a como pizza (I eat pizza).
  • Ella come una rebanada de pizza (She eats a slice of pizza).

10. Tomar – To take, to drink

A verb for if someone or something is drinking. Like a dog drinking water from his bowl.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Tomo
Tú (you) Tomas
Él, ella, usted Toma
Nosotros Tomamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Toman


For example:

  • Ellas tomamos sólo agua (They only drink water)
  • ¿Tú tomas té? (You drink tea?)

11. Escuchar – To hear

To hear something.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Escucho
Tú (you) Escuchas
Él, ella, usted Escucha
Nosotros Escuchamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Escuchan


For example:

  • Ella escucha todo (She hears everything)
  • Siempre escucho pájaros por la mañana (I always hear birds in the morning)

12. Necesitar – To need

This verb is used to tell someone your needs in Spanish. Like, you need water.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Necesito
Tú (you) Necesitas
Él, ella, usted Necesitan
Nosotros Necesitamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Necesitan


For example:

  • Yo necesito la medicina (I need medicine)
  • Creo que necesitas unas vacaciones (I think you need a vacation)

13. Quedar – To stay

To stay somewhere, like you are staying at home.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Quedo
Tú (you) Quedas
Él, ella, usted Queda
Nosotros Quedamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Quedan


For example:

  • Me quedo aquí entonces (I stay here then)
  • ¿El dónde se queda? (Where does he stay?)

14. Vivir – To live

To live, life. Something we do every day! Also can be used to say where someone is located— where someone lives.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Vivo
Tú (you) Vives
Él, ella, usted Vive
Nosotros Vivimos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Viven


For example:

  • Yo vivo la vida loca (I live the crazy life).
  • Ella vive con su mamá (She lives with her mom)

15. Dar – To give

To give something, like giving your friend a present.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Doy
Tú (you) Das
Él, ella, usted Da
Nosotros Damos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Dan


For example:

  • ¡Te doy mi corazón! (I give you my heart!)
  • Te damos tus llaves (We give you your keys)

16. Hablar – To speak

To speak, to say something.

Pronoun Estar  
Yo (me) Hablo  
Tú (you) Hablas  
Él, ella, usted Habla  
Nosotros Hablamos  
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Hablan  


For example:

  • ¡Yo hablo español, lo juro! (I speak Spanish, I swear!)
  • Ellos hablan bastante alto (They speak rather loudly)

17. Poner – To put

To put something somewhere, like putting your phone on the bed.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Pongo
Tú (you) Pones
Él, ella, usted Pone
Nosotros Ponemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Ponen


For example:

  • Yo pongo te hechicé (I put a spell on you!)
  • Nosotros la ponemos ahi (We put it there)

18. Venir – To come

Where something or someone come from, or “to arrive”.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Vengo
Tú (you) Vienes
Él, ella, usted Viene
Nosotros Venimos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Vienen


For example:

  • Yo vengo de España (I come from Spain)
  • Nosotros venimos en paz (We come in peace)

19. Buscar – To look for

When you are looking for something, like those keys you swear you left on the kitchen counter.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Busco
Tú (you) Buscas
Él, ella, usted Busca
Nosotros Buscamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Buscan


For example:

  • ¿Qué ellas buscan? (What do they look for?)
  • ¿Tú buscan para ello? (Did you look for it?)

20. Querer – To want

To want something, not necessarily something you need. Like, you really want that expensive pair of shoes.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Quiero
Tú (you) Quieres
Él, ella, usted Quiere
Nosotros Queremos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Quieren


For example:

  • Ella quiere ese peluche (She wants that teddy)
  • ¡I quiero esa promoción! (I want that promotion!)

21. Saber – To know

To know something. Knowledge is power!

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Se
Tú (you) Sabes
Él, ella, usted Sabe
Nosotros Sabemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Saben


For example:

  • Ella lo sabe, ¡las madres siempre lo saben! (She knows, mothers always do!)
  • Yo se esto (I know this)

22. Llegar – To arrive, to come

When you, someone, or something arrives somewhere.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Llego
Tú (you) Llegas
Él, ella, usted Llega
Nosotros Llegamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Llegan


For example:

  • Nosotros llegamos pronto (We arrive soon)
  • ¡Tú llegas por fin! (You arrive at last!)

23. Acordar – to decide, agree

To either decide on something, like a plan, or agree to something, like you and your friend agree to eat pizza for lunch.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Acuerdo
Tú (you) Acuerdas
Él, ella, usted Acuerda
Nosotros Acordamos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Acuerdan


For example:

  • Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo (I agree with you)
  • ¡Nosotros acordamos hacer todo juntos! (We agree to do everything together!)

24. Creer – To believe

To believe in something or someone!

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Creo
Tú (you) Crees
Él, ella, usted Cree
Nosotros Creemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Creen


For example:

  • Yo creo que tienes razón (I believe you are right)
  • Nosotras creemos en ti (We believe in you!)

25. Deber – To owe

To owe something to someone, like debt.

Pronoun Estar
Yo (me) Debo
Tú (you) Debes
Él, ella, usted Debe
Nosotros Debemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes Deben


For example:

  • Te debo mi gratitud (I owe you my gratitude)
  • Elle le debe mucho dinero al banco (She owes the bank a lot of money)


Learning and understanding Spanish verbs (among other things) is an important stepping stone if your goal is getting a Spanish certification!

135 Additional Spanish Verbs in Spanish

Finally, we compiled a list of 135 additional common verbs in Spanish, in alphabetical order. These verbs generally follow to same rules as above, some might be unique so watch out! See if you can use these verbs and form sentences with some hard Spanish words!

  1. Abrir – to open
  2. Aburrir – to be bored
  3. Acostar – to go to bed
  4. Almorzar – to
  5. Andar – to walk
  6. Apagar – off
  7. Asistir – to help
  8. Aparecer – to appear, to show up
  9. Aprender – to learn
  10. Ayudar – to assist
  11. Bailar – to dance
  12. Bajar – to go down
  13. Bañar – to shower
  14. Barrer – to sweep
  15. Beber – to drink
  16. Besar – to kiss
  17. Borrar – to erase
  18. Botar – to throw
  19. Buscar – to find
  20. Brindar – to give
  21. Bromear – to joke
  22. Caer – to fall
  23. Cambiar – to change
  24. Cantar – to sing
  25. Cenar – to eat
  26. Cepillar – to brush
  27. Cerrar – to close
  28. Comenzar – to start
  29. Compartir – to share
  30. Comprender – to understand
  31. Conducir – to drive
  32. Dañar – to damage
  33. Debatir – to debate
  34. Deber – to owe
  35. Decidir – to decide
  36. Decir – to say
  37. Defender – to defend
  38. Dejar – to leave
  39. Desayunar – to have breakfast
  40. Desear – to wish
  41. Despedir – to say goodbye
  42. Despertar – to wake up
  43. Destruir – to destroy/wreck
  44. Dormir – to sleep
  45. Echar – to throw
  46. Editar – to edit
  47. Elejir – to choose
  48. Eliminar – to eliminate
  49. Emitir – to emit
  50. Empujar – to push
  51. Encender – to turn on
  52. Enseñar – to teach
  53. Ensuciar – to get dirty
  54. Festejar – to celebrate
  55. Filmar – to film
  56. Flotar – to float
  57. Freír – to fry
  58. Ganar – to win
  59. Gastar – to spend
  60. Girar – to rotate
  61. Golpear – to hit
  62. Guardar – to save
  63. Herir – to hurt
  64. Hornear – to bake
  65. Huir – to runaway
  66. Humillar – to humilate
  67. Ladrar – to bark
  68. Lamentar – to regret
  69. Lastimar – to hurt
  70. Leer – to read
  71. Limpiar – to clean
  72. Llorar – to cry
  73. Luchar – to fight
  74. Madrugar – to wake up early
  75. Madurar – to mature
  76. Maquillar – to make up
  77. Marcar – to mark
  78. Medir – to measure
  79. Mostrar – to show
  80. Mover – to move
  81. Nacer – to be born
  82. Nadar – to swim
  83. Necestiar – to need
  84. Negar – to deny
  85. Obligar – to force
  86. Observar – to observe
  87. Obtener – to obtain
  88. Ocultar – to hide
  89. Oler – to smell
  90. Olvidar – to forget
  91. Parar – to stop
  92. Participar – to participate
  93. Pasar – to pass
  94. Pedir – to ask
  95. Pegar – to hit
  96. Peinar – to brush
  97. Pescar – to fish
  98. Quebrar – to break
  99. Quedar – to stay
  100. Quejar – to complain
  101. Quitar – to take out / away
  102. Rascar – to stratch
  103. Realizar – to realize
  104. Recoger – to pick up
  105. Recuperrar – to recover
  106. Reducir – to diminish
  107. Regalar – to gift
  108. Reír – to laugh
  109. Relajar – to relax
  110. Remover – to remove
  111. Repetir – to repir
  112. Saber – to know
  113. Saltar – to jump
  114. Saludar – to greet
  115. Salvar – save
  116. Sentar – to sit
  117. Soñar – to dream
  118. Subir – to go up
  119. Tapar – to cover
  120. Temblar – to shake
  121. Trabajar – to work
  122. Traducir – to translate
  123. Traer – to bring
  124. Usar – to use
  125. Utilizar – to use
  126. Unir – to unite
  127. Vaciar – to empty
  128. Vacunar – to vaccinate
  129. Valorar – to cherish
  130. Vencer – to expire
  131. Vender – to sell
  132. Venir – to come
  133. Vestir – to dress
  134. Volar – to fly
  135. Volver – to come back
Source: Pexels

Now you know what “To do” with Spanish verbs!

Hopefully, this list gave you some insight into how to use Spanish verbs!

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