80 Words for Clothes in Spanish to Help You Dress to Impress

clothes in spanish

From picking up new clothing or describing what color or type of pants you want to order, learning clothes in Spanish is a must!

Describing or naming articles of clothing is really common, whether, in everyday conversation at the mall or laundromat or when writing in Spanish, you will encounter it! Learning this will also move you forward on the path of Spanish fluency.

In this article, we will teach you how to correctly (grammar-wise) talk about clothing and name these clothing words in Spanish!

The Definitive Articles in Spanish

Understanding grammar is important in any language, and Spanish, such as adjectives in Spanish, is no different. For now, let’s talk about definitive articles.

When it comes to clothing vocabulary in Spanish, the definitive article (by using “the” in front of a word) is used rather than possessive pronouns (mine, hers, theirs etc), like with body parts in Spanish.

The definitive articles in Spanish are el, la, los and las. El and los are for masculine words, la and las are for feminine nouns.

For example, “the skirt” in Spanish is la falda instead of tu falda (your skirt). Possessive pronouns are often omitted and replaced with definitive articles. Other examples include el abrigo (coat) and las botas (boots).

Clothes in Spanish

Now that you know how to use words of Spanish clothing items, here we have listed many types of clothing items and their Spanish translation. Kick up your conversational skills up a notch by learning colors in Spanish, or compliment someone’s clothing by learning beautiful in Spanish!

Basic Clothes in Spanish

Pants – los pantalones

Shorts – pantalones cortos

Jeans – pantalones vaqueros

Suit – el traje

Dress – el vestido

Skirt – la falda

T-shirt – la camiseta

Shirt – la camisa

Jacket – la chamarra

Sweater – el suéter

Coat – el abrigo

Hat – el gorro / el sombrero

Socks – los calcetines / las medias

Shoes – los zapatos

Sneakers – las zapatillas

Sandals – las sandalías

Uniform – el uniforme

Sentence examples:

  • ¿En serio está usando pantalones vaqueros para un evento formal?

        (Are you seriously wearing jeans to a formal event?)

  • Hace frío afuera, deberías usar un sombrero.

       (It’s cold outside, you should wear your hat.)

high school boys with uniforms clothes in spanish
Source: Unsplash

Woman’s Clothes in Spanish

Tank top – la camiseta de tiras / el polo a tiras

Strapless top – la camiseta sin mangas

Blouse – la blusa

Cardigan sweater – el suéter ligero

Scarf – la bufanda

Leather jacket – la chaqueta de cuero

Mini skirt – la mini falda

Pencil skirt / a line skirt – la falda altura tres cuartos

Wedding dress – el vestido de novia

Evening gown – el vestido de tarde

Cocktail dress – el vestido de cóctel

Ball gown – el vestido gala

Nightgown – unas bragas

Bikini – el biquini

One piece bathing suit – el traje de baño de una pieza

Bra – el sostén

Bralette – el bralette

Panties – ropa interior

Stockings – unas medias

Sentence examples:

  • Los ciclistas a menudo usan chaquetas de cuero

        (Bikers often wear leather jackets)

  • Como siempre, la dama de la mansión vestía un elegante vestido gala.

    (As always, the lady of the mansion was dressed in an elegant gala dress.)

photo of a woman in a farmland
Source: Unsplash

Men’s Clothes in Spanish

Blazer – un blazer

Tie – una corbata

Shirt – una camisa

Vest – chaleco

Trousers – pantalones de traje

Sports jacket – una chaqueta sport

Hoodie – suéter con capucha

Suit – un traje

Tuxedo – el esmoquin

Long shorts – los pantalones cortos hasta las rodilla

Swim briefs – el traje de baño

Boxer shorts – los boxers

Underwear – los calzoncillos

Undershirt – la camiseta

Bathrobe – la bata

Sentence examples:

  • El novio estaba de pie con orgullo en el altar con su nuevo y caro esmoquin.

    (The groom stood proudly at the altar with his new and expensive tuxedo.)

  • ¡Apuesto a que su armario solo consiste en suéter con capucha!

    (I bet his closet only consists of hoodies!)

Source: Unsplash

Footwear in Spanish

High heels – tacones

Flats – zapatos planos

Loafers – mocasines

High heel boots – botas de tacón

Rain boots – botas de lluvia

Booties – botas al tobillo

Shoelaces – cordones

Slippers – pantuflas

Clogs – zuecos

Sentence examples:

  • Si pudiera, solo usaría pantuflas por el resto de mi vida.

    If I could, I would only wear slippers for the rest of my life.

  • La verdad es que uso zapatos con velcro porque no sé atar los cordones.

    (The truth is, I wear velcro shoes because I don’t know how to tie shoelaces.)

wooden traditional shoes clothes in spanish
Source: Unsplash

Jewelry & Accessories in Spanish

Handbag / purse – el bolso

Coinwallet – el monedero

Wallet – la cartera / billetera

Gloves – los guantes

Earrings – los arretes

Bracelet – la pulsera

Necklace – el collar

Pearls – las perlas

Watch – el reloj

Pin – el prendedor

Sentence examples:

  • Heredé estas perlas de mi madre.

    (I inherited these pearls from my mother.)

  • Es peligroso llevar un bolso de mano por estos lugares.

    (It’s dangerous to carry a handbag around these parts.)

raymond weil watch
Source: Unsplash

Adjectives for Clothes in Spanish

Words that describes clothing.

Zipper – el cierre

Fabric – la fabrica

Button – el boton

Leather – de cuero

Pattern – el estampado

Cotton – de algodón

Silk – de seda

Striped – a rayas

Tight – apretado

Loose – suelto

Sentence examples:

  • El jefe siempre lleva ese feo traje de rayas.

    (The boss always wears that ugly striped suit.)

  • Estoy triste. Se rompió el cierre de mi chaqueta favorita.

    (I’m sad. The zipper broke on my favourite jacket.)

fabric clothes in spanish
Source: Unsplash

Basic Verbs for Clothes in Spanish

We have already discussed a few key grammar topics when it comes to clothes item in Spanish. Now it is the verbs’ time to shine! There are a few key Spanish words that you should know if you are to make Spanish sentences with articles of clothing. Here is a list of them with some examples of how to use them.

Vestirse → get dressed

  • Si vas a trabajar en la industria de la moda, debes saber cómo vestirse.

(If you are to work in the fashion industry, you should know how to get dressed.)

  • Por las mañanas, su madre siempre le grita que deben vestirse.

(In the mornings, their mother is always yelling at them to get dressed.)

Desvestirse → get undressed

  • Ese vestido se ve complicado. ¿Cómo te vas a desvestir?

(That dress looks complicated. How will you get undressed?)

  • ¡Recuerda desvestirte antes de dormir!

(Remember to get undressed before you sleep!)

Probarse → to try (clothing)

  • ¡Estoy muy emocionada de probarme las faldas !

(I’m so excited to try on the skirts!)

  • Va a probarse esos zapatos antes del gran evento.

(He’s going to try those shoes on before the big event.)

Quedar → to fit

  • Me pregunto si esto me va a quedar bien.

(I wonder if this is going to fit me?)

  • Creo que esto me queda demasiado pequeño.

(I think this is too small to fit me.)

Ponerse → to put on (clothing)

  • Debes ponerte estos zapatos para esta noche.

(You should try on these shoes for tonight)

  • ¿De verdad te vas a ponerse ESE vestido?

(Are you really going to put on THAT dress?)

Quitarse → take off (clothing)

  • Quitate esa camisa y ponte esta.

(Take off that shirt and put this one on.)

  • No puedo esperar para quitarme este uniforme.

(I can’t wait to take off this uniform)

Llevar → to wear (clothing)

  • La chica lleva unas botas negras

(The girl is wearing black boots.)

  • Ahora se llevan las zapatillas blancas

(Now its trendy to wear white sneakers.)

woman wearing a scarf clothes in spanish
Source: Unsplash

Common Expressions for Clothes in Spanish

Here are some Spanish question words and common expressions related to clothing that you can use in conversation.

Spanish Phrase English Phrase
¿Dónde compraste esa blusa? Where did you buy that blouse?
¿Es necesario vestirse con vestido de gala? Is it necessary to dress in a gala dress?
¿Cuánto calzas? What do you wear?
¿Cuáles son las reglas de vestuario? What are the locker room rules?
¿Cuándo compraste esos zapatos? When did you buy those shoes?
group photo of shoes
Source: Unsplash

Dress (your words) for success with clothes in Spanish!

There are a lot of topics in everyday conversation in Spanish, some are more common such as learning to say ”How are you” in Spanish, than others. The more topics you learn, the smoother and longer your Spanish conversations will be!

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