Japanese boy names contain a wealth of cultural and historical meanings, and are even more commonly used in countries like the USA to name their babies. The name could be at the links nature or even have a deeper and more sacred meanings or messages. This is why when you are deciding on a name for your baby boy, choosing the correct name that would suit your meaning and sentimental value is important. It is also equally important to pay homage to such the wonderful Japanese culture and tradition such as Japanese. To have a better idea about names around the world, check out our article on nicknames from around the world.
What are the most common Japanese boy names in 2022?
1. Asahi (アサヒ)
Asahi means “sunlight” in English. Carrying the intention of light and hope, this name is commonly used to invoke positive manifestations for a baby boy.
2. Akihiko (秋彦)
This name means “bright prince”. In the Marvel Comics universe, Akihiko was a Yakuza boss who was one of the people to survive the activation of the infinity gauntlet and subsequent mass extinction.
3. Akira (アキラ)
In the Japanese language, Akira means “wisdom.”
4. Aoki (青木)
After the Japanese word for “blue tree.”
5. Asa (として)
Asa means “morning.”
6. Botan (ボタン)
Even though it’s a boy’s name, this popular Japanese name means “peony.”
7. Benjiro (ベンジロ)
This name means “one who enjoys peace.”
8. Chibi (ちび)
This is a cute name that refers to a Short Person or Small Child
9. Chiharu (千春)
This means “Springs” and “clear skies”.
10. Chikafusa (ちかふさ)
This name means the “close one”.
11. Chikao (ちかお)
In Japanese, this baby boy’s name means “clever.”
12. Chiko (ちこ)
This means a “pledge”, referring to themes of devotion or commitment.
13. Chimon (チモン)
With Japanese origins, this name means “gate of wisdom.”
14. Dai (ダイ)
This name refers to a “shining individual”.
15. Doi (土井)
It means “Mountain” or “Earth”
16. Daichi (大地)
This baby boy’s name means “Earth.”
17. Daido ( 大同)
This can be translated to the “greatest way possible”.
18. Daiki (大樹)
This Japanese boy’s name means “shining.”
19. Daisuke (大輔)
The meaning of this Japanese name means “great help.”
20. Danno (ダンノ)
This means “Gathering” and refers to being put together.
21. Danuja (ダヌジャ)
This means “Knight” and can also mean “Ruler”.
22. Enmei (円明)
With Japanese origins, this name means “bright circle.”
23. Fumihiro (フミヒロ)
This Japanese boy’s name means “wide sentence.”
24. Genkei (げんけい)
This name means “to be honored.”
25. Giichi (ぎいち)
In Japanese, this name means “justice.”
26. Goku (悟空)
After the Super Sayian in the hit manga series, DragonBall Z.
27. Goro (五郎)
The meaning of the name Goro is “enlightened son.”
28. Gou (ゴウ)
This name means a person who is strong and powerful just like a mountain.
29. Habiki (ハビキ)
In Japanese, this name means “echo.”
30. Hachi (ハチ)
This directly translates to the number Eight. It can also be interpreted as a “bee” or “flowerpot”.
31. Hachirou (八郎郎)
This translates to “Eighth Son”; A variant of this can be Hachiro.
32. Hakaku (はくく)
This refers to a “White Crane”.
33. Hansuke (はんすけ)
This name means a “very helpful friend”, and usually denotes a kindred spirit in a person.
34. Harue (春江)
This can be interpreted as “Spring Bough” or “Sunshine”.
35. Hayate (はやて)
This translates to “Fresh Breeze” or “Smooth”.
36. Hekima (ヘキマ)
This translates to “Knowledgeable” or “Clever”, denoting intelligence.
37. Hideo (秀夫)
This Japanese name means “excellent male child.
38. Hiroto (ヒロト)
This name means “big.”
39. Hiroshi (ヒロシ)
From the Japanese word meaning “generous.”
40. Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ)
This means “a lot of happiness” and is intended for a jolly and positive energy.
41. Hotaru (ほたる)
From the Japanese word for “firefly.
42. Ichiro (イチロー)
This Japanese name means “first son.”
43. Itachi (イタチ)
Itachi means “weasel.” We said its common, not popular!
44. Jiro (次郎)
With Japanese roots, this name means “second son.”
45. Jomei (舒明天)
This name is for people with this name always bring joy and love music. They have a passion for whole life and always show interest in others for friendship.
46. Jona (ジョナ)
Means the “God is gracious” and “Dove bird”. Such people are most adored and admirable in the society or among family.
47. Junichiro (純一郎)
This name means “he who takes.”
48. Junpei (純平)
This means Pure; Genuine; Innocent; Considerate; or Kind.
49. Jurou (じゅろう)
This directly translates to “Tenth Son”.
50. Kaede (楓)
Kaede means “Maple”.
51. Kaemon (かえもん)
Keamon directly translates to “Right-handed”
52. Kage (影)
The name Kage means “Shadow”
53. Kaiyo (カイヨ)
Kaiyo name means “To Forgive”
54. Kamaye (カマエ)
Kamaye means “Enthusiastic”
55. Kame (カメ)
Kame means “Desolate” or “Arid”
56. Kamin (カミン)
Kamin means “The One filled with Joy”
57. Kazz (カズ)
Kazz means “He who makes Peace”
58. Kazumi (和美)
This directly translates to “beautiful peace” and carries good intentions in the name.
59. Keiji (圭司)
Keiji means “Respect”, “Two” or “Governs with Discretion”.
60. Keisuke (圭佑)
The meaning of Keisuke is “save” in Japanese.
61. Keitaro (圭太郎)
Keitaro means “Blessed” and “Huge Gift”
62. Ken (ケン)
This has meanings such as “Born of fire” or “handsome healthy and strong”.
63. Kenji (賢司)
This name means “strong.”
64. Kiyoshi (清)
This Japanese boy’s name means “pure.”
65. Koji (こうじ)
Translating to “little one”.
66. Kota (コタ)
This Japanese name means “happiness.”
67. Mako (マコ)
This name means “sincerity.”
68. Masashi (マサシ)
The name Masashi means “ambition.” and manifests great success for the son that carries this name.
69. Minor (みのる)
This name refers to the process of a tree when it bears fruit – a metaphor for when fruit grown on a tree.
70. Miyo (みよ)
This name refers to a beautiful and charming child
71. Miyoko (美代子)
This means beautiful child of a beautiful generation
72. Namiko (なみこ)
This means a child of the waves or a surfing child
73. Nana (ナナ)
This name means fresh or green vegetables.
74. Nao (ナオ)
This name is for an honest person, who never lies.
75. Naoki (直樹)
This refers to a truthful and open tree.
76. Naoyuki (直幸)
Meaning “truth and happiness”, this name carries great positive qualities and meanings for the son that is named Naoyuki.
77. Naozumi (直住)
This translates to “Frank” and “cheerfulness”.
78. Natsu (奈津)
This refers to a very warm season of the year.
79. Natsu (ナツオ)
This the name for one who came to this world during summer season.
80. Noa (いや)
This means “Undertaking”, “wave program” or “indication”.
81. Noboru (昇)
This means “Increase”, “rise” or “triumphant”.
82. Noburu (のぶる)
This name means “Getting wider or bigger”.
83. Noritaka (のりたか)
This name means “Commandment” and “devoted virtue”.
84. Notin (ありませんで)
This name refers to “One which is round and nothing less”
85. Oda (織田)
In Japanese, this baby boy’s name means “small rice paddy.”
86. Ohta (太田)
This name has two meanings, one is the “eyes of the Almighty God” and the other one is “free from dirt or impurities”
87. Orochi (オロチ)
This translates to “Big snake”.
88. Reiji (レイジ)
Translates to “a well-mannered baby”. The parents naming their child Reiji would intend for a good natured son.
89. Souta (宗太)
This baby boy’s name means “suddenly.”
90. Sana (サナ)
The meaning of the name Sana is “calm.”
91. Takato (タカト)
Precious measure of exaltation
92. Takaya (タカヤ)
One who has much respect for someone
93. Take (武雄)
This translates to a “Warrior” and one who fights for his kingdom.
94. Takuma (琢磨)
This translates to an “open truth”.
95. Tamaki (玉城)
This refers to a boy who is a true gem
96. Tamashini (たましに)
This translates to “Soul” and refers to one who is very soulful.
97. Touma (トーマ)
After the Japanese word for “iron.”
98. Yamato (やまと)
This ancient Japanese name means “great harmony.”
99. Yo (ヨ)
Meaning “honest” or “truthful”, Yo is a name given in good faith to a son.
100. Yoshio (ヨシオ)
Meaning “righteous boy”, this name is bestowed with belief that the boy will become a good man.
Top Japanese Boy Names in 2022
1. Akiara (アキアラ)
Meaning a “bright person”.
2. Akio (秋尾)
This can be interpreted as “Bright Man”, “Manly” or “Hero”.
3. Akito (アキト)
This also can be interpreted as “Bright person” and is likened to one who is like the autumn season.
4. Aoki (青木)
This refers to an evergreen blue tree, following themes of tranquility and nature associated with blue.
5. Aoto (あおと)
Blue (蒼) is left to subjective interpretation of the user. It could mean sky, the sea or other blue related meanings of nature. As blue is a colour of tranquility and nature, it is a popular Japanese aesthetic.
6. Aoi (蒼)
Aoi means “Blue” in Japanese. Similar to Aoto, these follow the same themes of tranquility,
7. Asahi (朝陽)
Asahi means “Sunrise” and is similar in it positivity and intentions as the name Kouma (光希) “Ray of Hope”, referencing light and positivity for their baby boy.
8. Fuji (富士)
After the famous Japanese mountain, thus making it a popular and well-known Japanese name for boys.
9. Haru (暖)
Meaning “Warmth”, Haru is popular for its benevolent meaning and feeling that it carries.
10. Haruto (はると)
Haruto is one of the most popular names of the year because of its reference to the imagery of flight, sun, and calmness. 陽翔 figuratively means “Shine & Soar.” It also has similarities to, 大翔: “Big Flight” and 悠人: “Calm person”
11. Haruki (はるき)
The kanji 悠 (haru) means “permanence” with the connotation of being resilient and withstanding hardship. It has become a popular name in recent times, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
12. Hideaki (秀明)
This refers to “Bright” or “Excellent”.
13. Hikaru (ひかる)
This name means “Shining brilliance” or “Flashing Brilliance”.
14. Hinata (ひなた)
Meaning “a sunny place” or “in the sun”, Hinata also has many positive connotations such as 陽向 “Towards the positive” 陽太, ”Boldly positive” and 陽大 “Big positive”.
15. Hiroaki (ひろあき)
This name means “Spreading brightness” it can also be interpreted as “Radiance” and “Gloriousness”.
16. Hirohito (昭和天皇)
This means “Plentiful benevolence”, “Abundant Benevolence” or “goodwill”.
17. Hiroaki (ヒロキ)
This means “Large sparkle”. It can also mean “Abundant Joy” and “Strength”.
18. Kouma (光希)
Kouma means “Ray of hope” in Japanese. This name carries light and positivity with it, thus making it a popular name in Japanese
19. Minato (みなと)
The kanji 湊 means “port” and has a strong similarity to the way Western culture refers to the metaphor “safe harbor”protection, solace and shelter. A port can also symbolize connection as it serves as a point of departure and return for ships at sea.
20. Katsumi (勝美)
Katsumi means to “Win” or “To Overcome”
21. Katsuro (勝郎)
Katsuro name means “The Victory of the Son”
22. Kazu (カズ)
Kazu means “The First One”
23. Kazue (和江)
Kazue means “The Favor of Harmony and Peace”
24. Kazuki (和希)
Kazuki means The Unity of Harmoni, Brithnes and Hope
25. Kazumi (和美)
Kazumi means Beautiful Harmony
26. Kazuo (和夫)
Kazuo means The First Born Child
27. Kazuya (和也)
Kazuya means “The Calm and Peaceful One”
28. Kei (ケイ)
Meaning “Intelligent”.
29. Kaito (海翔)
Kaito means “Soaring ocean” in Japanese.
30. Kane (ケイン)
Kane means “Bell”, maybe the boy will be as noisy as his name!
31. Kenji (賢司)
Meaning “Prosecutor”, Kenji is a more serious name.
32. Itsuki (いつき)
It’s kanji 樹which means “Woods” is left to interpretation by the user. As it represents the peacefulness and strength of the forests in nature.
33. Minato (湊)
This translates to “harbour” and also holds themes of connection and a safe haven.
34. Naruhito (徳仁)
Naruhito means virtue, compassion.
35. Nori (私も)
The name Nori means “ceremony” and “rites”
36. Osamu (修)
Osamu can mean discipline, study, logic, chronicle, reign, or rule.
37. Ren (蓮)
Ren means “Lotus” which is a reference to Buddhism, giving it a popular spiritual link.
38. Reiki (レイキ ł
Refers to the popular practice of healing the spirit.
39. Reiko (レイコ)
This translates to a “thankful child”.
40. Reo (レオ)
Loosely translates to “flourishing” or “vigorous”, Reo is boisterous name for a boy.
41. Riku (りく)
Riku (陸)directly translates to ‘land’ but the interpretation can be subjective to the user. However, it does keep consistent with the theme of Japanese names, even when with kanji combinations – such as 陸斗 “Land Big Dipper” and 凌久 “To excel for a long time”.
42. Rin (凛)
The name Rin means dignified, severe, or cold. The rin is a former Japanese monetary unit. A rin was worth 1/10 of a sen, and 100 sen made one yen.
43. Ringo (リンゴ)
Ringo is Japanese for apple. The English language version of Ringo evolved from the Old English word hring, meaning circle.
44. Souta (そうた)
Souta from the second and third kanji in its name can be interpreted as “Swift and substantial action.” Other connotations of this name can be 蒼大 “Big blue”, 奏太 “Big performance” and 颯太: “Big, quick action”, giving the name quite a rigorous energy and meaning.
45. Sora (蒼空)
Sora means “Blue sky” in Japanese. For those familiar with the Kingdom Hearts video games, this name is significant for fans as the name of their beloved protagonist of the franchise is Sora, thus making is a popular name to be used.
46. Sousuke (聡介)
Depending on the way it is written, 聡 means “smart.” whereas 介 means “assistance.” Either way, the name has a connotation for intelligence and helpfulness.
47. Souma (壮馬)
Souma directly translates to “Quick Reality” in Japanese. The kanji 壮 means “brave.” while 馬 means “horse.”
48. Taemon (たえもん)
This name is for one with good morals and a well behaved person
49. Taichi (太極拳)
This means a “thick or big one”. Sometimes it can be used to refer to swords.
50. Taiga (タイガ)
This refers to a big and well-mannered person
51. Taiki (大樹)
This translates to “Big, great tree”. It can also be interpreted as “one full of brightness”.
52. Taji (タジ)
This name refers to the colors of yellow and silver.
53. Takahiro (タカヒロ)
This is a name for one who is “Abundantly respectful” and “Loving”
54. Takai (高井)
This translates to the “next world”.
55. Takashi (タカシ)
This translates to “Devoted piety”.
56. Touma (トーマ)
Meaning the “top of the mountain”, this name is full of ambition and success for its person.
57. Yuito (ゆいと)
The kanji 結 is often used for binding or linking, so it also follows through with the theme of connection, like Minato.
58. Yuuto (ゆうと)
Yuuto follows the same kanji (悠) as Haruki which means “permanence” and “helpful person” a popular theme and manifestation during the hard times of the pandemic.
59. Yuusei (悠生)
Yuusei, means “Life without difficulty”. This name carries a manifestation of hope that their child will have a good life free of hardships.
60. Yuuma (ゆうま)
Meaning “leisurely” and giving a more relaxed name.
Top Rarest Japanese Boy Names in 2022
1. Arata (あらた)
This can be referring to a “fresh and new” person.
2. Asa (として)
This makes reference to a Physician and a Healer; such as a doctor.
3. Asas (と同じように)
Also meaning “Physician” and a “healer”; but can also be interpreted as “a beautiful morning”.
4. Chi (チー)
Meaning “Twig” or “Tree Branch”.
5. Chiyo (千世)
Chiyo is traditionally a girl’s name that generally means “thousand generations” or “thousand world,” depending on the Kanji characters. Other combinations of Kanji can make “smart world” or “thousand sun.”
6. Haku (白)
Meaning “Pure”. This is also a sacred name and is the name of a character from the popular Japanese movie “Spirited Away”.
7. Daku (ダク)
Meaning “Dark”, it even phonetically sounds like the counterpart of Haku!
8. Eito (えいと)
Referring to a very prosperous person; and can also mean they are kind hearted or generous.
9. Genkei (元気)
This loosely translates to “one who deserves honour and integrity”.
10. Giichi (ぎち)
Giichi means “One Rule” or “The Righteous One”.
11. Gin (ジン)
The meaning of the name Gin is “Silver”.
12. Ginjiro (銀次郎)
Following through from Gin, Ginjiro means “Good Silver”.
13. Hiromitsu (ひろみつ)
This means “Large light” or “Extensive Radiance”.
14. Hironori (ひろのり)
This refers to a “Benevolent ruler” or “Tolerant Ruler”.
15. Hiryuro (ひりゅうろ)
This translates to a dragon who flies. It is a metaphor for a versatile and spontaneous individual.
16. Hisahito (ひさひと)
This refers to themes of “Virtuous”, “Calm” and “Everlasting”.
17. Ikuto (幾斗)
Translates to “Many constellations”, its a more celestial theme for the name.
18. Isamu (勇)
Translates to “Courage”. Isamu bestows on its owner hopes of strength, daring, achievement, or courage.
19. Kai (カイ)
This means “Earth”, giving it a grounding and stable energy to the name and person.
20. Kaname (かなめ)
This means “vital point”
21. Kanon (カノン)
Kanon means “Land Of Reeds”
22. Kaoru (薫)
Kaoru means “Fragant”.
23. Kisho (きしょ)
This translates to “One who knows his own mind”.
24. Kiyoshi (清)
This means “Quiet”
25. Kuragari (倉がり)
This means “Darkness”
26. Masao (優男)
This means “Superior man” in Japanese boy names. Masao is a masculine-sounding name with many of its Kanji conjugations including the character for man in addition to an adjective about strength or bravery
27. Mitsuki (ミツキ)
This means “Beautiful moon”
28. Naruto (なると)
This means “Maelstrom” and is also the protagonist from the hit anime “Naruto”.
29. Niko (ニコ)
This translates to “Conquest of the nation”.
30. Raiden (雷電)
This references the “God of Thunder and Lightning”. Also a popular character from the Mortal Kombat franchise.
31. Ronin (浪人)
Ronin means a “Samurai without a Master”.
32. Saburou (三郎)
Meaning “Third son”. Also spelled Saburo, is one of the most literal names listed here as it generally means order of birth rather than some ethereal qualities.
33. Sana (サナ)
This means “Brilliance”, denoting exceptional talent or intelligence towards things.
34. Shiki (屍鬼)
This translates to the “4 seasons”.
35. Syaoran (小狼)
Meaning “Little Wolf”.
36. Tadashi (善)
Meaning Good. Depending on the Kanji character used, Tadashi means “is good,” “is sincere,” or “is righteousness.”
37. Tomiichi (富一)
This means one who is wealthy and prosperous.
38. Tomohiro (ともひろ)
This refers to one with a large or broad wisdom/knowledge.
39. Tomoya (ともや)
This means a wise or an intelligent person
40. Youta (ようだ)
This means “Great sunlight”.
Choose Japanese Boy Names for Your Kids!
Now that you have seen over 200 common, popular and rare Japanese names for baby boys – we hope you can make a great decision for the name of your own baby boy! If you’re interested in French names for your baby boy, check out our article 300+ French Names for Boys. Head on over to AmazingTalker to find more great topics like these! Discover the answers to your language-related questions on AmazingTalker’s Q&A page.
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